Becoming Eco-Friendly - A Guide That Provides 4 Easy Steps to Going Green Today
If you're like me, becoming eco-friendly is very important.
Going green with a few aspects of your life isn't that hard to do.
Small changes can have a positive impact on the environment plus can result in healthy changes for you at the same time.
4 Easy Ways of Becoming Eco-Friendly Today Saving Energy As you probably know, energy creation creates a massive amount of air pollution.
To help reduce your energy consumption, you can install energy efficient fluorescent light bulbs, add insulation to your attic to reduce the amount of heat and AC needed, and ensure any new appliance or electronics have low energy consumption rates.
Recycling Keep separate bins for cardboard and plastics.
Most garbage facilities these days have areas to dump of recyclables.
Cardboard and plastics can be reused in many manufacturing process which reduces landfill waste.
Go Natural Home cleaning products, soaps, shampoos, produce, meat, and many other products are filled with chemicals.
When these products go down the drain or end up in the garbage, the chemicals from them end up in our water supply.
This is very damaging to the quality of our water sources.
Most grocery stores have a natural food section that you can look at to start replacing products that contain harsh chemicals.
Bottled Water Plastic water bottles and jugs have become a huge environmental issue.
Because of the sever contamination of most public water systems, people have turned to bottled water.
But, there's a better way to get pure drinking water by purifying it yourself.
This can be done by installing a water filtration system in your home.
Over time, these easy to install systems cost less than buying bottled water.
Drinking purified water has the added benefit of being far healthier than bottled water.
The plastic containers of bottled water give off chemicals that end up in the water.
One very common chemical that bottled water gets contaminated with is called BPA.
This toxin has been proven to dramatically increase the risk of getting cancer.
So, it's smart to stop buying bottled water for health reasons as well as becoming eco-friendly.
So there you have it.
Becoming eco-friendly is very easy to do.
Use this guide to start to change your habits and you'll be doing your part of keeping our world healthy.
Going green with a few aspects of your life isn't that hard to do.
Small changes can have a positive impact on the environment plus can result in healthy changes for you at the same time.
4 Easy Ways of Becoming Eco-Friendly Today Saving Energy As you probably know, energy creation creates a massive amount of air pollution.
To help reduce your energy consumption, you can install energy efficient fluorescent light bulbs, add insulation to your attic to reduce the amount of heat and AC needed, and ensure any new appliance or electronics have low energy consumption rates.
Recycling Keep separate bins for cardboard and plastics.
Most garbage facilities these days have areas to dump of recyclables.
Cardboard and plastics can be reused in many manufacturing process which reduces landfill waste.
Go Natural Home cleaning products, soaps, shampoos, produce, meat, and many other products are filled with chemicals.
When these products go down the drain or end up in the garbage, the chemicals from them end up in our water supply.
This is very damaging to the quality of our water sources.
Most grocery stores have a natural food section that you can look at to start replacing products that contain harsh chemicals.
Bottled Water Plastic water bottles and jugs have become a huge environmental issue.
Because of the sever contamination of most public water systems, people have turned to bottled water.
But, there's a better way to get pure drinking water by purifying it yourself.
This can be done by installing a water filtration system in your home.
Over time, these easy to install systems cost less than buying bottled water.
Drinking purified water has the added benefit of being far healthier than bottled water.
The plastic containers of bottled water give off chemicals that end up in the water.
One very common chemical that bottled water gets contaminated with is called BPA.
This toxin has been proven to dramatically increase the risk of getting cancer.
So, it's smart to stop buying bottled water for health reasons as well as becoming eco-friendly.
So there you have it.
Becoming eco-friendly is very easy to do.
Use this guide to start to change your habits and you'll be doing your part of keeping our world healthy.