Reiki Therapy Schools
- Reiki is a Japanese energy healing system. It works on the basis of lineage, with every Reiki practitioner able to trace his or her line back to the inventor of Reiki: Dr. Mikao Usui. A person becomes able to channel Reiki, the healing light, by accepting an attunement from a Reiki master. Reiki is popular throughout the world as a form of alternative treatment, and there are several schools that offer training.
- Located in Arizona, the Southwest Institute of Healing Arts is a state licensed school, focusing on many different forms of healing from Western Herbalism to Massage Therapy and Reiki. The Reiki program is taught as a module of the greater massage program, giving students a rounded education in spa treatment and healing. During the module, students will be given a Reiki 1 attunement and be able to perform Reiki on friends and family.
Southwest Institute of Healing Arts
1100 East Apache Boulevard
Tempe, AZ 85281-5822
480- 994-9244 - The International Center for Reiki Training is an online group dedicated to the teaching of Reiki. Although not based in any one location, it organizes and schedules classes for the teaching of Reiki 1 and 2 in over 400 locations throughout the USA. The class schedule can be viewed on the website. The Center offers fewer locations for Reiki master training, due to lower demand for such advanced learning. The Reiki master training program is broken into two sections--those who wish to train others and use the master symbols for greater healing, and those who just want to further their own spiritual powers and have no desire to teach others.
International Center for Reiki - Reiki is taught the world over, and there are small schools located throughout many countries. The Reiki School is based in England and offers several different Reiki programs. Whether you wish to take Reiki 1, 2, or 3, there are suitable courses. Levels can be taken over a prolonged period or all at once over an intensive week course. As well as offering on-site training in Reiki, the Reiki School carries out several classes throughout the U.K.
The Reiki School
South Ridge, Heald Drive,
Bowdon, Altrincham
Cheshire WA14 2JA
+44 0161 870 0861
Southwest Institute of Healing Arts
International Center for Reiki
The Reiki School