What Do You Do When Your Government Is Hijacked By Socialists?
Imagine growing up and living in a great country, one of the best, if not the best on the planet - then all of a sudden things take a turn for the worse.
You think that the pendulum of politics will swing back, but it doesn't, things just get worse and more bizarre as time goes on.
Eventually, all common sense is out the window, all that is on TV or in the newspapers is clearly propaganda, opinion, and completely jaded from what you know of history, economics, and the human endeavor - in fact, the line of BS seems to even run counter to the law of physics.
Sound familiar? Yes, welcome to the United States of America, the greatest nation ever created in the history of humankind in the new millennium.
Okay so, let's talk shall we? Let me address my concerns.
The New York Times had and interesting article posted on October 4, 2013 titled; "Boehner Urges GOP Unity in Epic Battle," Jonathan Weisman and Ashley Parker - which noted that the government shut-down is likely to continue and long about October 17, 2013 the government will not have enough money to pay its bills and thus, could default on its payments - ouch - yes, ouch.
That would be terrible right, sure it would but the alternative - for the government to go on "business as usual" is indeed far worse.
Some say that it would be catastrophic for the US to default on its debt? But is that really true - indeed they say it would lower our nation's credit rating - true, but have you considered that credit ratings must be earned and maintained and that right now our government is living beyond its mean - in doing so they don't deserve a good credit rating and the current ratings are artificially too high - mostly due to in my opinion fear from the rating agencies that the regulators might shut them down.
We do need to take an epic stand against wasteful government, socialist spending, and hijacked control of our ideals as a nation, thus, it's okay to take this fight to the wall and beyond - because if we allow socialists to take over our nation and spend us into oblivion then it's our fault too, for doing nothing when we had the chance several times.
Tell the democrats to quit spending and flooding our nation in debt.
The reality is that if we don't take serious steps to curb this run-away socialism, we won't have much of a nation left in the future anyway.
Please consider all this and think on it.
You think that the pendulum of politics will swing back, but it doesn't, things just get worse and more bizarre as time goes on.
Eventually, all common sense is out the window, all that is on TV or in the newspapers is clearly propaganda, opinion, and completely jaded from what you know of history, economics, and the human endeavor - in fact, the line of BS seems to even run counter to the law of physics.
Sound familiar? Yes, welcome to the United States of America, the greatest nation ever created in the history of humankind in the new millennium.
Okay so, let's talk shall we? Let me address my concerns.
The New York Times had and interesting article posted on October 4, 2013 titled; "Boehner Urges GOP Unity in Epic Battle," Jonathan Weisman and Ashley Parker - which noted that the government shut-down is likely to continue and long about October 17, 2013 the government will not have enough money to pay its bills and thus, could default on its payments - ouch - yes, ouch.
That would be terrible right, sure it would but the alternative - for the government to go on "business as usual" is indeed far worse.
Some say that it would be catastrophic for the US to default on its debt? But is that really true - indeed they say it would lower our nation's credit rating - true, but have you considered that credit ratings must be earned and maintained and that right now our government is living beyond its mean - in doing so they don't deserve a good credit rating and the current ratings are artificially too high - mostly due to in my opinion fear from the rating agencies that the regulators might shut them down.
We do need to take an epic stand against wasteful government, socialist spending, and hijacked control of our ideals as a nation, thus, it's okay to take this fight to the wall and beyond - because if we allow socialists to take over our nation and spend us into oblivion then it's our fault too, for doing nothing when we had the chance several times.
Tell the democrats to quit spending and flooding our nation in debt.
The reality is that if we don't take serious steps to curb this run-away socialism, we won't have much of a nation left in the future anyway.
Please consider all this and think on it.