Know Your Inherent Qualities The Inner Self Form Your Own Sign
ARIES (Born between 21ST March to 20th April).
— Simple, frank and outspoken nature.
— Capable f holding high commanding position in executive but may lack organizational capability.
— It touched with religious sprit, they may prove fanatical.
— Well informed and very busy and at time lack knowledge of human character.
— Often changes their views and opinions but sure of their beliefs as long as they last.
— But sure of their beliefs as long as they last.
— Remarkable for sudden changes and quick action.
— Ambitious of honors and getting high position but may face certain difficulties which may employ their some of the energy. They should not fell disappointed.
— Fortunes are variables. Gains through property, real estate business and some flourish after marriage.
— Litigation possible in connection with property and money matters.
— Essentially a pioneer – there in the intellectual, civic, politics, religion or military world – friends give much support but friends foreign countries may not help.
— Sacrifice preferred – even to the extent of martyrdom for a particular causes.
— Frequent change of residence-may not stays long at a particular place.
— Relatives are not favorable and family ties sometimes remains strained – this also depends on the sign of the spouse.
TAURUS (Born between 21st to April to 21st May)
— Self imposed, dogmatic and obstinate, hard to please.
— Often harbor ill – feeling. Advised not to taken revenge.
— Rigid (fond of) in their opinion, inflexible and firm and at time remains silent to the situation.
— Fond of natural history, gardening horticulture.
— Patient worker, exact and precise in methods.
— Illness on account of excessive labor gets unforeseen windfalls.
— Give good parent age – father is a man of some consequent in his sphere of life.
— Gains by speculation and through children but loss in legal disputes and other strafes.
— On the whole, life is clam and peaceful but with perils.
— Some of your friends may be in high position and you may gain from them.
— Health is affected by maladies – spleen, liver and kidney – problems.
— Fortune insures in youth but gets all comforts with advancement of age.
GEMINI: (Born between 22nd May to 21st June)
— Endowed with kind, willing and flexible nature, humane in tendencies but is easily worried and irritated.
— Inventive and original in ideas, fond of literature and science and clever in legal matters and is well-informed.
— Capable of doing two things at a time tow occupations.
— May feel nervous if suddenly called upon to speak or act.
— Fortunes subject to many changes- experiences both privation and affluence but with family strafes.
— Many causes for family dispute but the native may not agree altogether with faith.
— At time, the native becomes himself the cusses of this downfall.
— There may be secrets connected with love affairs and attachment – take care regarding piles, fistula, bladder and excretory system.
— For most of Gemini persons, nervous afflictions and lung complaints (asthma etc.) cannot be ruled out.
— Normally, Gemini have two wives-may be one by marriage and other by attachment
— Losses through secret love affairs and opposite sex.
— Inheritance of land or house indicated.
— Legal/Receptionist/Clerical/Messenger type profession fruitful – all types of communications.
— Many obstacles for attaining high position-some problems are created by own friends and known people.
CANCER (Born between 22nd June to 23rd July)
— Remarkable changes in life – many up and down in fortune and position.
— Reserved nature but quick though tempered and impatient.
— Have fertile imagination and the faculty of absorbing other people's ideas is very great.
— Gifted with dramatic faculty though sometimes original.
— Discreet and independent in many things- faculty of adaptation is enormous.
— Love for position, wealth and honors.
— Generally time to physical dangers, gets nervous easily
— Difficult in acquiring wealth but inheritance is lost.
— Loss by speculation and through relatives.
— Premature death of brother or sister is also indicated.
— Troubles from children and family discord in life indicated.
— Exposes too many dangers in personal (mysterious) and public life but God comes to help.
— Voyages are certain and frequent but long journeys are successful.
— Dangers of various type, captivity (imprisonment), ambushes and troubles in foreign land
— Health-wise-chest and stomach need attention- and latter in life from rheumatisms.
— Injuries from fall form horses or other high places and wounds by human hands indicated.
LEO (Born between 24th July to 23rd August)
— Gets honor though their own merits the native has an elevated nature and strong will power
— Quick temper when provoked but anger does not long last.
— Ambition to hold public offices in high position, favor for fine art- favor from relations in high position available though the ego of the native is hurt.
— Reversal of fortune in some case where the father dies when young.
— Legal dispute in regards to inheritance or on account of martial relations normally two wives.
— Health-chronic ailments regarding bones and blood – LEO men have to undergo lot of discomforts including marital discords.
— Few or no voyages and when taken are not advantageous.
— For some, with their hard work, taken are not advantageous.
— Quarrels through friends but gainful in the end.
— Be careful about secret enemies.
VIRGO (Born between 24th August to 23rd September)
— Gains and honors and position by their own merit
— Have cool, clear intact with a great sense of justices.
— Fond of sanitation and congenial atmosphere in offices and home.
— Pious and honest-very careful in the ways of life in all matters.
— At times gives undue importance to small things.
— Love for literature, history, and divinity (Spiritualism)
— Gains inheritance and also gains from wife and partnership.
— Successful bankers and businessmen
— Avoid speculation-Gains wealth in foreign countries.
— Family secrets including father marrying twice or illegal attachments.
— Be careful from animals.
— Disappointment in love affairs-the native may get invoices with a lady senior in age.
— Long voyages in search of wealth or in connection with property in foreign countries are indicated.
— Frequent changes bring ups and down in life- Friends will also be changeable/
— Profession-clerical/artistic/literary/advocate/law.
— The native may develop powerful enemies-be careful.
— Health-colic pains, dysentery, diarrhea and urines affections.
LIBRA: (Born between 24th September to 23rd October)
— Sweet and gentle nature, flexible and sensitive, sense of justice.
— Up right and frank, but liable to extreme temper and mood at times.
— Inventive mind with ability for constructive and decorative work.
— Inclination for navigation, and maritime arts.
— Liable to change his views on the spur of moment. Inner voice.
— Professions-wine, and spirit merchants, chemists, doctors and surgeons.
— Losses on account of business partner are careful for new ventures.
— Few children but they are fortunate and would give satisfaction.
— Health – Kidney, liver, intestinal complaints-fungus in fingers of feet.
— Many voyages to and distant journeys in other countries.
— Gains by unexpected legacies and females.
— Success in native's own country.
— Secret enemies among the servants and also among the member of the family.
SCORPIOS (Born between 24th October to 22nd November)
— Bold and warlike-inclined to rush into quarrels. Please control.
— Nature is excessive and can go to extremes even for seeking pleasure severs to his opponents-sarcastic.
— Born with ‘eagle eye' – insatiable thirst to find the secret nature of the things detective type service.
— Ambitious of honor and normally obtains high position in due course of time-taste for leadership/government service.
— Monetary affairs fraught with uncertainty-avoid speculation.
— Two distinct sources of income-often two distinct occupations service and dealing in shares.
— Early life is not fortunate but 2nd half (middle age) is prosperous.
— Gains by exploits in foreign land and by marriage.
— Health – ailments regarding excretory system, piles, fistula etc.
— Likely to marry more than once or have an alternative affair.
— Fortunate long voyages are shown which lead to honor, later.
— Some loss of loved one at the age of 35 or so.
— Enemy to be found among his own associates.
— In foreign country the native may be in danger of secret violence but god will help.
SAGGITTARIUS (Born between 23rd November to 21st December)
— Though difficult to understand, the person during the above period are franks, honest, open minded and generous.
— Ingenious, versatile and become masters of many branches of learning including law and astrology.
— Mind is clear and quick in apprehending things and readily assimilating new ideas and new modes of life.
— Gentle but defiant in presence of enemies simple in mode of living and takes delight in independences.
— Destructions of others and also of self may lead to deception.
— Friend to peace, justice and truth Engaged in strike for good cause.
— Early life in most of the cause may not be good on account or premature death of father, many obstacles in early life.
— Health-ailments of throat, ear, asthma (lungs) swelling in legs.
— Support of friends is useful and effective in native's life.
— Enemies may be numerous and even violence may be experienced.
— To sum up, career is long and good.
CAPRICORN (Born between 22nd December to 20th January).
— Ambitious, capable of enormous efforts hard working fellow.
— Temper is strong, forceful and enduring but mind is suspicious.
— The desire for power is strong- eloquent among friends.
— Caution and prudence mark the policy of the native.
— Wealth is on personal merits. Support from friends/relatives.
— Enmities caused by brothers and sisters-rivalries, secret trouble arise from the members of family.
— In journeys in own land, the native may face ambush of his enemies.
— Father may cause trouble or become hostile in marriage proposal of the native.
— In early life, danger by fire or wounds by steel/iron etc.
— Health-nervous affection of stomach, hurt, injury from human being specially in traveling.
— Voyages are dangerous and may cause loss.
— Profession marital type, soldiers, marines, doctors, chemists, etc.
— Native is subject to great reversal of fortune in mature life.
AQUARIUS (Born between 21st Januaryto19th February)
— Have degree of literacy and artistic faculty.
— Good orators and writers, philosophy and music/drama.
— Can love with exceeding constancy frank, open and humane.
— Long voyages are undertaken for getting money.
— Gains inheritance and assistance from the family.
— Achievements on account of personal devotion, hard works, merit.
— Normally, have two sources of income including something of secret naturesecrat commission, including from government hands.
— Dangers while traveling by land or rail specially in connection with business of relatives.
— Chances of having twins in some cases marriage in early age.
— Health-blood affection, indigestion, stomach complaints.
— To be careful in all matters specially of fraud and cheating as in some cases exile, imprisonment and forced seclusion cannot be ruled out.
— Frequently has access to best society VIPs.
— Man of good counsel and capable of commanding public esteem and securing many friends.
PISCES (Born between 20th February to 20th March)
— Capable of lifting himself by own labor and hand work.
— Many popular writers and authors born in this sign
— Native is romantic, imaginative and flexible-always come up with new ideas.
— Mind is king, just, benevolent and powerful.
— Exercise authority without being harsh firm with pleasantness.
— Slow to anger but hard to please cordial disposition.
— Mind is broad on many subjects unorthodox.
— Double occupation – parents not conducive to native's welfare.
— Family assets become spilt up and donot enrich the native.
— Health-affection to feet and ankles, colic pain especially in the bowels.
— Two marriages in some cases – first wife generally dies before the death of husband.
— Long sea voyages are attended with dangers in foreign countries.
— Be careful about a treacherous friend. An open enemy may cause death.
— Capable of conferring well – merited honors and also considerable wealth.
ARIES (Born between 21ST March to 20th April).
— Simple, frank and outspoken nature.
— Capable f holding high commanding position in executive but may lack organizational capability.
— It touched with religious sprit, they may prove fanatical.
— Well informed and very busy and at time lack knowledge of human character.
— Often changes their views and opinions but sure of their beliefs as long as they last.
— But sure of their beliefs as long as they last.
— Remarkable for sudden changes and quick action.
— Ambitious of honors and getting high position but may face certain difficulties which may employ their some of the energy. They should not fell disappointed.
— Fortunes are variables. Gains through property, real estate business and some flourish after marriage.
— Litigation possible in connection with property and money matters.
— Essentially a pioneer – there in the intellectual, civic, politics, religion or military world – friends give much support but friends foreign countries may not help.
— Sacrifice preferred – even to the extent of martyrdom for a particular causes.
— Frequent change of residence-may not stays long at a particular place.
— Relatives are not favorable and family ties sometimes remains strained – this also depends on the sign of the spouse.
TAURUS (Born between 21st to April to 21st May)
— Self imposed, dogmatic and obstinate, hard to please.
— Often harbor ill – feeling. Advised not to taken revenge.
— Rigid (fond of) in their opinion, inflexible and firm and at time remains silent to the situation.
— Fond of natural history, gardening horticulture.
— Patient worker, exact and precise in methods.
— Illness on account of excessive labor gets unforeseen windfalls.
— Give good parent age – father is a man of some consequent in his sphere of life.
— Gains by speculation and through children but loss in legal disputes and other strafes.
— On the whole, life is clam and peaceful but with perils.
— Some of your friends may be in high position and you may gain from them.
— Health is affected by maladies – spleen, liver and kidney – problems.
— Fortune insures in youth but gets all comforts with advancement of age.
GEMINI: (Born between 22nd May to 21st June)
— Endowed with kind, willing and flexible nature, humane in tendencies but is easily worried and irritated.
— Inventive and original in ideas, fond of literature and science and clever in legal matters and is well-informed.
— Capable of doing two things at a time tow occupations.
— May feel nervous if suddenly called upon to speak or act.
— Fortunes subject to many changes- experiences both privation and affluence but with family strafes.
— Many causes for family dispute but the native may not agree altogether with faith.
— At time, the native becomes himself the cusses of this downfall.
— There may be secrets connected with love affairs and attachment – take care regarding piles, fistula, bladder and excretory system.
— For most of Gemini persons, nervous afflictions and lung complaints (asthma etc.) cannot be ruled out.
— Normally, Gemini have two wives-may be one by marriage and other by attachment
— Losses through secret love affairs and opposite sex.
— Inheritance of land or house indicated.
— Legal/Receptionist/Clerical/Messenger type profession fruitful – all types of communications.
— Many obstacles for attaining high position-some problems are created by own friends and known people.
CANCER (Born between 22nd June to 23rd July)
— Remarkable changes in life – many up and down in fortune and position.
— Reserved nature but quick though tempered and impatient.
— Have fertile imagination and the faculty of absorbing other people's ideas is very great.
— Gifted with dramatic faculty though sometimes original.
— Discreet and independent in many things- faculty of adaptation is enormous.
— Love for position, wealth and honors.
— Generally time to physical dangers, gets nervous easily
— Difficult in acquiring wealth but inheritance is lost.
— Loss by speculation and through relatives.
— Premature death of brother or sister is also indicated.
— Troubles from children and family discord in life indicated.
— Exposes too many dangers in personal (mysterious) and public life but God comes to help.
— Voyages are certain and frequent but long journeys are successful.
— Dangers of various type, captivity (imprisonment), ambushes and troubles in foreign land
— Health-wise-chest and stomach need attention- and latter in life from rheumatisms.
— Injuries from fall form horses or other high places and wounds by human hands indicated.
LEO (Born between 24th July to 23rd August)
— Gets honor though their own merits the native has an elevated nature and strong will power
— Quick temper when provoked but anger does not long last.
— Ambition to hold public offices in high position, favor for fine art- favor from relations in high position available though the ego of the native is hurt.
— Reversal of fortune in some case where the father dies when young.
— Legal dispute in regards to inheritance or on account of martial relations normally two wives.
— Health-chronic ailments regarding bones and blood – LEO men have to undergo lot of discomforts including marital discords.
— Few or no voyages and when taken are not advantageous.
— For some, with their hard work, taken are not advantageous.
— Quarrels through friends but gainful in the end.
— Be careful about secret enemies.
VIRGO (Born between 24th August to 23rd September)
— Gains and honors and position by their own merit
— Have cool, clear intact with a great sense of justices.
— Fond of sanitation and congenial atmosphere in offices and home.
— Pious and honest-very careful in the ways of life in all matters.
— At times gives undue importance to small things.
— Love for literature, history, and divinity (Spiritualism)
— Gains inheritance and also gains from wife and partnership.
— Successful bankers and businessmen
— Avoid speculation-Gains wealth in foreign countries.
— Family secrets including father marrying twice or illegal attachments.
— Be careful from animals.
— Disappointment in love affairs-the native may get invoices with a lady senior in age.
— Long voyages in search of wealth or in connection with property in foreign countries are indicated.
— Frequent changes bring ups and down in life- Friends will also be changeable/
— Profession-clerical/artistic/literary/advocate/law.
— The native may develop powerful enemies-be careful.
— Health-colic pains, dysentery, diarrhea and urines affections.
LIBRA: (Born between 24th September to 23rd October)
— Sweet and gentle nature, flexible and sensitive, sense of justice.
— Up right and frank, but liable to extreme temper and mood at times.
— Inventive mind with ability for constructive and decorative work.
— Inclination for navigation, and maritime arts.
— Liable to change his views on the spur of moment. Inner voice.
— Professions-wine, and spirit merchants, chemists, doctors and surgeons.
— Losses on account of business partner are careful for new ventures.
— Few children but they are fortunate and would give satisfaction.
— Health – Kidney, liver, intestinal complaints-fungus in fingers of feet.
— Many voyages to and distant journeys in other countries.
— Gains by unexpected legacies and females.
— Success in native's own country.
— Secret enemies among the servants and also among the member of the family.
SCORPIOS (Born between 24th October to 22nd November)
— Bold and warlike-inclined to rush into quarrels. Please control.
— Nature is excessive and can go to extremes even for seeking pleasure severs to his opponents-sarcastic.
— Born with ‘eagle eye' – insatiable thirst to find the secret nature of the things detective type service.
— Ambitious of honor and normally obtains high position in due course of time-taste for leadership/government service.
— Monetary affairs fraught with uncertainty-avoid speculation.
— Two distinct sources of income-often two distinct occupations service and dealing in shares.
— Early life is not fortunate but 2nd half (middle age) is prosperous.
— Gains by exploits in foreign land and by marriage.
— Health – ailments regarding excretory system, piles, fistula etc.
— Likely to marry more than once or have an alternative affair.
— Fortunate long voyages are shown which lead to honor, later.
— Some loss of loved one at the age of 35 or so.
— Enemy to be found among his own associates.
— In foreign country the native may be in danger of secret violence but god will help.
SAGGITTARIUS (Born between 23rd November to 21st December)
— Though difficult to understand, the person during the above period are franks, honest, open minded and generous.
— Ingenious, versatile and become masters of many branches of learning including law and astrology.
— Mind is clear and quick in apprehending things and readily assimilating new ideas and new modes of life.
— Gentle but defiant in presence of enemies simple in mode of living and takes delight in independences.
— Destructions of others and also of self may lead to deception.
— Friend to peace, justice and truth Engaged in strike for good cause.
— Early life in most of the cause may not be good on account or premature death of father, many obstacles in early life.
— Health-ailments of throat, ear, asthma (lungs) swelling in legs.
— Support of friends is useful and effective in native's life.
— Enemies may be numerous and even violence may be experienced.
— To sum up, career is long and good.
CAPRICORN (Born between 22nd December to 20th January).
— Ambitious, capable of enormous efforts hard working fellow.
— Temper is strong, forceful and enduring but mind is suspicious.
— The desire for power is strong- eloquent among friends.
— Caution and prudence mark the policy of the native.
— Wealth is on personal merits. Support from friends/relatives.
— Enmities caused by brothers and sisters-rivalries, secret trouble arise from the members of family.
— In journeys in own land, the native may face ambush of his enemies.
— Father may cause trouble or become hostile in marriage proposal of the native.
— In early life, danger by fire or wounds by steel/iron etc.
— Health-nervous affection of stomach, hurt, injury from human being specially in traveling.
— Voyages are dangerous and may cause loss.
— Profession marital type, soldiers, marines, doctors, chemists, etc.
— Native is subject to great reversal of fortune in mature life.
AQUARIUS (Born between 21st Januaryto19th February)
— Have degree of literacy and artistic faculty.
— Good orators and writers, philosophy and music/drama.
— Can love with exceeding constancy frank, open and humane.
— Long voyages are undertaken for getting money.
— Gains inheritance and assistance from the family.
— Achievements on account of personal devotion, hard works, merit.
— Normally, have two sources of income including something of secret naturesecrat commission, including from government hands.
— Dangers while traveling by land or rail specially in connection with business of relatives.
— Chances of having twins in some cases marriage in early age.
— Health-blood affection, indigestion, stomach complaints.
— To be careful in all matters specially of fraud and cheating as in some cases exile, imprisonment and forced seclusion cannot be ruled out.
— Frequently has access to best society VIPs.
— Man of good counsel and capable of commanding public esteem and securing many friends.
PISCES (Born between 20th February to 20th March)
— Capable of lifting himself by own labor and hand work.
— Many popular writers and authors born in this sign
— Native is romantic, imaginative and flexible-always come up with new ideas.
— Mind is king, just, benevolent and powerful.
— Exercise authority without being harsh firm with pleasantness.
— Slow to anger but hard to please cordial disposition.
— Mind is broad on many subjects unorthodox.
— Double occupation – parents not conducive to native's welfare.
— Family assets become spilt up and donot enrich the native.
— Health-affection to feet and ankles, colic pain especially in the bowels.
— Two marriages in some cases – first wife generally dies before the death of husband.
— Long sea voyages are attended with dangers in foreign countries.
— Be careful about a treacherous friend. An open enemy may cause death.
— Capable of conferring well – merited honors and also considerable wealth.