Getting Rid of Bedbugs - Tips and Tricks
Eliminating bedbugs may seem to be a daunting task when you first find them in a home.
But it's possible to totally rid yourself of bed bugs without hiring a costly professional team.
As long as you've got patience, perseverance, and knowledge, bedbug eradication can absolutely be done.
The first step in getting rid of bedbugs is to clean up problem areas.
High risk areas include furniture, luggage, bedding, and clothes hampers.
Carpets, wood moulding, door jambs, picture frames, and closets can also be nesting sites for bed bugs.
Check and sanitize all potential hiding places thoroughly.
Items which are washable, such as linens, should be washed in hot water.
Things that are not washable should be wrapped in plastic and exposed to direct sunlight.
The reason you want to subject infested items to heat is that a temperature of at least 120 degrees Fahrenheit is required to kill both the bedbugs themselves as well as their eggs.
The second step in getting rid of bedbugs is to set traps for rogue bugs you may have missed during your initial sweep.
Sticky traps, which can also be used as mouse traps, are a good way to catch roaming bugs.
You may also use natural insecticides like Boric Acid around door frames.
It is not advisable to use insecticides in or around bedding or clothes hampers because they may be a danger to your health.
In order to eliminate your bug problem most effectively, you should avoid methods that are a waste of time.
For example, aerosol pesticides and bug bombs will not work on a bed bug infestation.
Also, while extreme temperatures can help to curb bug proliferation, extreme cold will only have an effect on infestation if the affected area is kept below freezing for two weeks or longer.
Unfortunately, if these methods do not seem effective a professional exterminator may be the only option.
However, the majority of the time these tips are useful and should not be dismissed offhand.
A buyer should be wary of "bug treatment sprays" found online as they rarely come with instructions and carry no guarantee of safety.
But it's possible to totally rid yourself of bed bugs without hiring a costly professional team.
As long as you've got patience, perseverance, and knowledge, bedbug eradication can absolutely be done.
The first step in getting rid of bedbugs is to clean up problem areas.
High risk areas include furniture, luggage, bedding, and clothes hampers.
Carpets, wood moulding, door jambs, picture frames, and closets can also be nesting sites for bed bugs.
Check and sanitize all potential hiding places thoroughly.
Items which are washable, such as linens, should be washed in hot water.
Things that are not washable should be wrapped in plastic and exposed to direct sunlight.
The reason you want to subject infested items to heat is that a temperature of at least 120 degrees Fahrenheit is required to kill both the bedbugs themselves as well as their eggs.
The second step in getting rid of bedbugs is to set traps for rogue bugs you may have missed during your initial sweep.
Sticky traps, which can also be used as mouse traps, are a good way to catch roaming bugs.
You may also use natural insecticides like Boric Acid around door frames.
It is not advisable to use insecticides in or around bedding or clothes hampers because they may be a danger to your health.
In order to eliminate your bug problem most effectively, you should avoid methods that are a waste of time.
For example, aerosol pesticides and bug bombs will not work on a bed bug infestation.
Also, while extreme temperatures can help to curb bug proliferation, extreme cold will only have an effect on infestation if the affected area is kept below freezing for two weeks or longer.
Unfortunately, if these methods do not seem effective a professional exterminator may be the only option.
However, the majority of the time these tips are useful and should not be dismissed offhand.
A buyer should be wary of "bug treatment sprays" found online as they rarely come with instructions and carry no guarantee of safety.