Stay at Home Moms Becoming Work at Home Moms
STAY AT HOME MOMS Making a Difference in More Ways than One I've been a stay at home mom for 17 years.
Not once have I regretted my decision to put my professional career on the back burner and place my time with my children as a number one priority.
As a matter of fact I have always considered myself to be the "pivot foot" in our home life.
Because my schedule afforded the most flexibility, I could be relatively versatile in handling the many needs of my family.
I could do everything except...
pay bills.
All the loving and family time and hugging and kissing boo boos is great - it's just that when our kids have desires to do and go and be (for me it started around 5 years old), making excuses for lack of financial flexibility gets old after awhile.
It hit me like a tidal wave when a fellow work at home mom, who has a child with special needs told me that she found the perfect school that would allow her daughter to minimize her weaknesses and master her strengths.
The only challenge was that the school tuition was $20,000 per year.
Her next statement hit me like a ton of bricks: "Why shouldn't my child, who I love so dearly, have the same opportunity for success as children of wealthy parents?" And when it comes down to it - we ALL want and deserve the best for our children.
Unfortunately the best usually comes with a steep price tag.
Where does that leave us parents? Impotent? Frustrated? Hopeless? Of course not! Anyone who has the wherewithal to go through 9 months of belly stretching pregnancy, can put their mind and there hand to a super creative option to open a financial pipeline to creating streams of cash to meet many of the needs AND desires of your family.
For me these things look like gas & electricity bills, car payments, a house to live in, tennis, golf, piano, scuba, swimming, art lessons - just to name a few experiences.
And of course family vacations are WAY AT the TOP of this list.
Just this past summer we were able to take our 3 children and our goddaughter to Europe for 3 weeks.
We are building memories and exposing our kids to LOTS of experiences, and guess what - many of them have a large price tag.
There are ways to increase your income by having weekly checks race to your mailbox, ahead of your bills.
In today's economy, SAHM's have two choices - going back to a traditional job or becoming a work at home mom.
I embrace the latter of course and encourage you to find a way to have it all as well - your family as a number one priority while you create a supplemental income from home.
Join the stay at home moms who have decided to have their cake and eat it too - it's time to stop "just getting by" and living a life of martyrdom.
It's time to partner with someone who knows the ropes, who has had her kids on the side of lack and on the side of luxury - someone who can promise you that LUXURY IS ALL THAT IT'S CRACKED UP TO BE.
I am a mother who knows that the years go by quickly - join me in this decision so you too will be able to say - "no regrets".
And get this: There are tens of thousands of parents who have the same desires - to keep their children first and create a financial blessing at the same time.
Thousands of parents are "going under" and are just looking for some "breathing room".
Realize that you could actually be an incentive, an encouragement to others who are believing that there there options are limited.
Won't you be the hero in your community? Start building your legacy today.
Not once have I regretted my decision to put my professional career on the back burner and place my time with my children as a number one priority.
As a matter of fact I have always considered myself to be the "pivot foot" in our home life.
Because my schedule afforded the most flexibility, I could be relatively versatile in handling the many needs of my family.
I could do everything except...
pay bills.
All the loving and family time and hugging and kissing boo boos is great - it's just that when our kids have desires to do and go and be (for me it started around 5 years old), making excuses for lack of financial flexibility gets old after awhile.
It hit me like a tidal wave when a fellow work at home mom, who has a child with special needs told me that she found the perfect school that would allow her daughter to minimize her weaknesses and master her strengths.
The only challenge was that the school tuition was $20,000 per year.
Her next statement hit me like a ton of bricks: "Why shouldn't my child, who I love so dearly, have the same opportunity for success as children of wealthy parents?" And when it comes down to it - we ALL want and deserve the best for our children.
Unfortunately the best usually comes with a steep price tag.
Where does that leave us parents? Impotent? Frustrated? Hopeless? Of course not! Anyone who has the wherewithal to go through 9 months of belly stretching pregnancy, can put their mind and there hand to a super creative option to open a financial pipeline to creating streams of cash to meet many of the needs AND desires of your family.
For me these things look like gas & electricity bills, car payments, a house to live in, tennis, golf, piano, scuba, swimming, art lessons - just to name a few experiences.
And of course family vacations are WAY AT the TOP of this list.
Just this past summer we were able to take our 3 children and our goddaughter to Europe for 3 weeks.
We are building memories and exposing our kids to LOTS of experiences, and guess what - many of them have a large price tag.
There are ways to increase your income by having weekly checks race to your mailbox, ahead of your bills.
In today's economy, SAHM's have two choices - going back to a traditional job or becoming a work at home mom.
I embrace the latter of course and encourage you to find a way to have it all as well - your family as a number one priority while you create a supplemental income from home.
Join the stay at home moms who have decided to have their cake and eat it too - it's time to stop "just getting by" and living a life of martyrdom.
It's time to partner with someone who knows the ropes, who has had her kids on the side of lack and on the side of luxury - someone who can promise you that LUXURY IS ALL THAT IT'S CRACKED UP TO BE.
I am a mother who knows that the years go by quickly - join me in this decision so you too will be able to say - "no regrets".
And get this: There are tens of thousands of parents who have the same desires - to keep their children first and create a financial blessing at the same time.
Thousands of parents are "going under" and are just looking for some "breathing room".
Realize that you could actually be an incentive, an encouragement to others who are believing that there there options are limited.
Won't you be the hero in your community? Start building your legacy today.