Credit Score Tips That the Credit Industry Doesn"t Want You to Know
It is amazing to me that the credit industry is taking advantage of most of society.
What I mean by this is that they are keeping the general public ignorant to the tactics available for them to increase their credit scores.
Now I am going to write about just a few of the ways available to people in order to help their credit score.
I am going to start with the obvious ones and move on to the more secret ones.
First and foremost, you have to pay your bills on time.
This is a mandatory step in fixing your credit for the long run.
So if you are behind, you will need to set up a payment plan with your creditors.
After you are current on all your bills, you will be able to get your credit score much higher very quickly.
There are some things you can do with the credit cards you have right now.
If you want to get the most for your credit score out of your credit cards, then make sure you use no more than 30% of any credit card limit.
So if you have a $10,000 limit, don't carry a balance over $3,000.
This step will help you get a nice bump in your score.
You also need to make sure you are carry different types of credit.
These consist of simply revolving credit and installment credit.
The more different types of credit you can handle, the better the credit score companies think you can handle credit and thus a higher score.
At this point, you are thinking...
where are the secret tips you promised? Well here is a taste of them.
You want a quick hit to your score? Try these out.
Piggyback someone else's credit history.
For example, let's say your mom has great credit and you don't.
You ask her to make you a joint user of one of her perfect credit cards.
After doing this, you will automatically be credited with her history on that card.
So she has not missed a payment in 6 years and carried the right balance, then it will show up on your credit score that you did the same.
6 years of perfect credit history just like that.
You always have the option of disagreeing with what is in you credit history too.
This is sometimes considered a gray area of fixing your credit score.
So if you want to know how to fix your credit score using this, all you have to do is write a letter to them saying that it is not true and then the company that reported it has to prove it is.
A lot of time, they never write back and then it is removed from your credit report and then your score goes up.
Actually, as soon as you write that appeal, the credit report companies take that record off your report until the investigation is finalized.
This gives you a temporary increase in your score and possibly permanent if the creditor doesn't write back.
There are many places that will help you increase your credit score for free.
Try that one out and you will find many more outstanding tips that will boost your credit score rather quickly.
It is all about us beating them in the credit score war.
The higher your score, the less you will pay for your house, credit cards, and car loans.
What I mean by this is that they are keeping the general public ignorant to the tactics available for them to increase their credit scores.
Now I am going to write about just a few of the ways available to people in order to help their credit score.
I am going to start with the obvious ones and move on to the more secret ones.
First and foremost, you have to pay your bills on time.
This is a mandatory step in fixing your credit for the long run.
So if you are behind, you will need to set up a payment plan with your creditors.
After you are current on all your bills, you will be able to get your credit score much higher very quickly.
There are some things you can do with the credit cards you have right now.
If you want to get the most for your credit score out of your credit cards, then make sure you use no more than 30% of any credit card limit.
So if you have a $10,000 limit, don't carry a balance over $3,000.
This step will help you get a nice bump in your score.
You also need to make sure you are carry different types of credit.
These consist of simply revolving credit and installment credit.
The more different types of credit you can handle, the better the credit score companies think you can handle credit and thus a higher score.
At this point, you are thinking...
where are the secret tips you promised? Well here is a taste of them.
You want a quick hit to your score? Try these out.
Piggyback someone else's credit history.
For example, let's say your mom has great credit and you don't.
You ask her to make you a joint user of one of her perfect credit cards.
After doing this, you will automatically be credited with her history on that card.
So she has not missed a payment in 6 years and carried the right balance, then it will show up on your credit score that you did the same.
6 years of perfect credit history just like that.
You always have the option of disagreeing with what is in you credit history too.
This is sometimes considered a gray area of fixing your credit score.
So if you want to know how to fix your credit score using this, all you have to do is write a letter to them saying that it is not true and then the company that reported it has to prove it is.
A lot of time, they never write back and then it is removed from your credit report and then your score goes up.
Actually, as soon as you write that appeal, the credit report companies take that record off your report until the investigation is finalized.
This gives you a temporary increase in your score and possibly permanent if the creditor doesn't write back.
There are many places that will help you increase your credit score for free.
Try that one out and you will find many more outstanding tips that will boost your credit score rather quickly.
It is all about us beating them in the credit score war.
The higher your score, the less you will pay for your house, credit cards, and car loans.