Conflict Between Tradition & Novelty
- The motto for supporters of tradition is "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." In other words, if current values and practices have yielded acceptable results over a long period of time, there is no reason to change them.
- In response, supporters of novelty argue that even if current values and practices are not "broke," as it were, the results they yield may not be optimal. We must therefore always be willing to adapt in order to optimize the results of our current values and practices. This is difficult to deny, and thus supporters of tradition must admit that, at least some of the time, novelty is required.
- However, it is important not to pursue progress merely for the sake of progress. This means that we should not be too willing to change values and practices that need not be changed. Being overzealous with change can lead to a "progress trap." According to author Daniel B. O'Leary, a progress trap occurs when changes to our values and practices create more problems than they can solve. This must be avoided, as it is a severe hindrance to true progress.
The Progress Trap