Life Purpose:How To Be in Love with Life
Falling In Love with Life There is no feeling in the world like the feeling of energized, on purpose living.
Have you ever been in love?You smile easily, you lie in bed for a little longer in the morning letting yourself dream and everything you do seems to have more color, more depth.
That's a lot how it is when your life is doing what you know it should be.
You fall in love with your life.
You only have eyes for what matters.
When another person fills your head, your heart sings and your brain is always returning to the face, the smile, what captivates you about her or him.
Each time your thoughts come back to that person throughout the day, you sense a little jump deep inside you.
Someone who is very dear to me has recently found herself swept off her feet and she's in her 40's!She laughs away her inner glow by saying, "I feel like a teenager again!" When you are in love with life, you become enamored with your Life Purpose.
You know why you exist, you know where you want to go, who you want to be.
The result is like an electric undercurrent that never stops.
No matter what you are doing or encountering through the day, you constantly return to purpose.
It's yours.
It's who you are and out of that comes unending ideas and a steady flow of creativity.
How often I wake up in the morning excited to put into action the ideas that have come to me as I stir out of sleep and remember why I am who I am.
You easily set out your priorities.
It isn't difficult to decide what to do when you are totally smitten with someone.
I've watched romance blossom between my two daughters and the men of their dreams and it's tough to decide to do an activity that doesn't include their company! Being together makes everything more exciting.
When you are in love with life, you know what it is that brings you a sense of wellbeing.
And you don't let much interfere with that.
If you find yourself being pulled off target, you reassess in light of your true values.
Nothing appeals more than spending the majority of your time and energy on what you have determined is yours to hold.
You find that you are much more present in whatever you do.
The feel of her hand in yours, the soft look in her eyes, the sound of her voice - these absorb you when you find yourself totally alone with the one you love.
You guard that time, cherishing it as priceless.
You are completely immersed in each other undistracted by anything else.
When you are in love with your life, you have the ability to be there when you need to be.
What does this mean?How often have you carried on a conversation with someone and found yourself unable to respond intelligently because you haven't been listening? You were not really there with that person - your mind was somewhere else.
Being at peace with your top priorities means that you can be focused on whatever you are doing.
Your mind doesn't need to wander because you know that you have time set aside to pursue your most important activities.
It also means that you are intentional about what you are doing so that you can give yourself permission to set everything else aside except for what presently occupies you.
Time with your kids becomes time with your kids where you watch and truly listen to them.
Your heart almost explodes during moments when you know that this is part of what you want your life to be.
Building relationships with them is your major concern at this precise moment overriding whatever it is that could be distracting you.
You know that you stand out.
All of us are made with a deep desire to be loved, to be chosen.
Having someone "choose" you fulfills a subconscious need which creates an inestimable sense of worth.
There are moments when you discover someone is in love with you when you would move the earth for them if you could.
Having a purpose is a lot like this except for the fact that it lasts longer than the feelings of romance being in love with another person brings.
When you know that you are "chosen" for a specific intentional reason in this world, you have an anchor that grounds you.
You have a rock to stand on, something upon which to build.
No matter what happens, this doesn't change.
You are still the same person made in the same way and that is one of the unchangeables we so desperately need in this constantly shifting life.
Hard times are still hard but determined perseverance is increased.
Now I know that being in love with someone can be a fickle thing.
With a person you do not stay in that romantic era or your love doesn't deepen and grow.
Love moves ahead to the reality of relationship and learning to live with someone who doesn't live up to your every expectation.
It's important to make a solid commitment to making the bond work or it won't last.
The bonus is that the magic still continues if you make room for it.
Being in love with life has its blind and disillusioning moments as well.
Unfortunately, there is much that we can not control.
But the strength of knowing yourself, knowing your purpose, knowing who you want to be is the strongest force in the world for keeping you on track - even when you face the most enormous mountains.
This is the magic of living.
When the clouds clear, you bring yourself back again to where you are going.
You keeping moving ahead and hope remains alive because you know it's all part of what you are meant to do.
There is no feeling, no exhilaration like being in love..
with life.
My life purpose is "to inspire others to discover and live out the adventure of who they truly are.
"It's fascinating for me to assist others as they fall in love with their lives as I have.
That's the reason for my web site at www.
com [http://www.
com] and the reason for the GOLD Life Performance System.
They are the tools.
Put them together with an eagerness to discover and the magic begins!
Have you ever been in love?You smile easily, you lie in bed for a little longer in the morning letting yourself dream and everything you do seems to have more color, more depth.
That's a lot how it is when your life is doing what you know it should be.
You fall in love with your life.
You only have eyes for what matters.
When another person fills your head, your heart sings and your brain is always returning to the face, the smile, what captivates you about her or him.
Each time your thoughts come back to that person throughout the day, you sense a little jump deep inside you.
Someone who is very dear to me has recently found herself swept off her feet and she's in her 40's!She laughs away her inner glow by saying, "I feel like a teenager again!" When you are in love with life, you become enamored with your Life Purpose.
You know why you exist, you know where you want to go, who you want to be.
The result is like an electric undercurrent that never stops.
No matter what you are doing or encountering through the day, you constantly return to purpose.
It's yours.
It's who you are and out of that comes unending ideas and a steady flow of creativity.
How often I wake up in the morning excited to put into action the ideas that have come to me as I stir out of sleep and remember why I am who I am.
You easily set out your priorities.
It isn't difficult to decide what to do when you are totally smitten with someone.
I've watched romance blossom between my two daughters and the men of their dreams and it's tough to decide to do an activity that doesn't include their company! Being together makes everything more exciting.
When you are in love with life, you know what it is that brings you a sense of wellbeing.
And you don't let much interfere with that.
If you find yourself being pulled off target, you reassess in light of your true values.
Nothing appeals more than spending the majority of your time and energy on what you have determined is yours to hold.
You find that you are much more present in whatever you do.
The feel of her hand in yours, the soft look in her eyes, the sound of her voice - these absorb you when you find yourself totally alone with the one you love.
You guard that time, cherishing it as priceless.
You are completely immersed in each other undistracted by anything else.
When you are in love with your life, you have the ability to be there when you need to be.
What does this mean?How often have you carried on a conversation with someone and found yourself unable to respond intelligently because you haven't been listening? You were not really there with that person - your mind was somewhere else.
Being at peace with your top priorities means that you can be focused on whatever you are doing.
Your mind doesn't need to wander because you know that you have time set aside to pursue your most important activities.
It also means that you are intentional about what you are doing so that you can give yourself permission to set everything else aside except for what presently occupies you.
Time with your kids becomes time with your kids where you watch and truly listen to them.
Your heart almost explodes during moments when you know that this is part of what you want your life to be.
Building relationships with them is your major concern at this precise moment overriding whatever it is that could be distracting you.
You know that you stand out.
All of us are made with a deep desire to be loved, to be chosen.
Having someone "choose" you fulfills a subconscious need which creates an inestimable sense of worth.
There are moments when you discover someone is in love with you when you would move the earth for them if you could.
Having a purpose is a lot like this except for the fact that it lasts longer than the feelings of romance being in love with another person brings.
When you know that you are "chosen" for a specific intentional reason in this world, you have an anchor that grounds you.
You have a rock to stand on, something upon which to build.
No matter what happens, this doesn't change.
You are still the same person made in the same way and that is one of the unchangeables we so desperately need in this constantly shifting life.
Hard times are still hard but determined perseverance is increased.
Now I know that being in love with someone can be a fickle thing.
With a person you do not stay in that romantic era or your love doesn't deepen and grow.
Love moves ahead to the reality of relationship and learning to live with someone who doesn't live up to your every expectation.
It's important to make a solid commitment to making the bond work or it won't last.
The bonus is that the magic still continues if you make room for it.
Being in love with life has its blind and disillusioning moments as well.
Unfortunately, there is much that we can not control.
But the strength of knowing yourself, knowing your purpose, knowing who you want to be is the strongest force in the world for keeping you on track - even when you face the most enormous mountains.
This is the magic of living.
When the clouds clear, you bring yourself back again to where you are going.
You keeping moving ahead and hope remains alive because you know it's all part of what you are meant to do.
There is no feeling, no exhilaration like being in love..
with life.
My life purpose is "to inspire others to discover and live out the adventure of who they truly are.
"It's fascinating for me to assist others as they fall in love with their lives as I have.
That's the reason for my web site at www.
com [http://www.
com] and the reason for the GOLD Life Performance System.
They are the tools.
Put them together with an eagerness to discover and the magic begins!