Different Paths to Digital Billboard Advertising
Digital billboards are one of the most cost-effective methods of advertising. Although national corporations use electronic billboards to increase their visibility and branding, it's local businesses and franchises that most cherish these advertising opportunities. But in places where local governments have prohibited the use of dynamic billboard displays, businesses may need to investigate whether billboards in surrounding communities are still worth the investment costs. In some cases, there may not be any viable locations for these unique billboard ads.
On the other hand, there is often more than one path to buying dynamic billboard ad space. Only by considering local market factors, available investment expenditures, and long-term business priorities can a business hope to optimize their digital billboard advertising strategy.
The Fast-Track to Digital Billboard Advertising
The most common option for businesses seeking digital billboard advertising opportunities is to rent billboard space from a electronic billboard vendor. This model is directly tied to the advantages of digital signage technology. The ability to endlessly change content displays allows these vendors to lease their dynamic billboard space by the hour or even half hour with differentiated costs. Needless to say, buying billboard ad space costs many times more during the weekday rush hour than overnight time slots. But it also allows businesses to tailor their ad content with advertising lease blocs. A fast food joint looking to bolster their breakfast sales can use these billboards for targeted ad strategies while limiting ad costs.
Digi-Billboards as Business Investments
Another option is to advertise on a company-owned digital billboard. But, of course, this is only an option where digital billboards are permitted, and the ultimate wisdom of this choice may depend on the traffic levels and overall quality of the adverting location. This solution requires a sizable upfront expenditure but can also deliver unexpected windfalls down the road. Companies can oscillate between aggressively pushing their own advertising agenda and finding an auxiliary revenue stream by leasing the billboard space. In the best of all possible worlds, a premium digital billboard location can be a goldmine if a local municipality outlaws new digital billboard installations while grandfathering in existing billboards.
Other Ad Strategies associated with Digital Billboards
Newer electronic billboard technologies may allow advertisers to use directional Wi-Fi signals to send content to motorists' Web-enabled smart devices. Other times, companies may find an advantage in combining digital and conventional billboard ads. Using the same advertising content on electronic billboards and storefront and other business location signs can strengthen branding initiatives. Although digi-billboards are among the most cost-effective ads out there, rarely can a single advertising venue can accomplish all a company's advertising priorities.
On the other hand, there is often more than one path to buying dynamic billboard ad space. Only by considering local market factors, available investment expenditures, and long-term business priorities can a business hope to optimize their digital billboard advertising strategy.
The Fast-Track to Digital Billboard Advertising
The most common option for businesses seeking digital billboard advertising opportunities is to rent billboard space from a electronic billboard vendor. This model is directly tied to the advantages of digital signage technology. The ability to endlessly change content displays allows these vendors to lease their dynamic billboard space by the hour or even half hour with differentiated costs. Needless to say, buying billboard ad space costs many times more during the weekday rush hour than overnight time slots. But it also allows businesses to tailor their ad content with advertising lease blocs. A fast food joint looking to bolster their breakfast sales can use these billboards for targeted ad strategies while limiting ad costs.
Digi-Billboards as Business Investments
Another option is to advertise on a company-owned digital billboard. But, of course, this is only an option where digital billboards are permitted, and the ultimate wisdom of this choice may depend on the traffic levels and overall quality of the adverting location. This solution requires a sizable upfront expenditure but can also deliver unexpected windfalls down the road. Companies can oscillate between aggressively pushing their own advertising agenda and finding an auxiliary revenue stream by leasing the billboard space. In the best of all possible worlds, a premium digital billboard location can be a goldmine if a local municipality outlaws new digital billboard installations while grandfathering in existing billboards.
Other Ad Strategies associated with Digital Billboards
Newer electronic billboard technologies may allow advertisers to use directional Wi-Fi signals to send content to motorists' Web-enabled smart devices. Other times, companies may find an advantage in combining digital and conventional billboard ads. Using the same advertising content on electronic billboards and storefront and other business location signs can strengthen branding initiatives. Although digi-billboards are among the most cost-effective ads out there, rarely can a single advertising venue can accomplish all a company's advertising priorities.