Allergies Features Page
Allergies Features Page
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Tools & Resources
- Think You Have a Food Allergy?
- Essential Items for Allergy Relief
- Pets and Allergies
- Allergies: Myths vs. Facts
- Controlling Home Allergies
- Allergies in the Workplace
FeaturesRelated to Allergies
- Your Pollen Survival Guide
Springtime brings not just deliciously longer days, warmer weather, balmy breezes and blooming flowers. For people with allergies, it means the return of pollen. Pollen and allergies don't mix. There's not much you can do to avoid pollen altogether -- after all, it's produced by grasses, trees, flow
Read Full Article - Spring Allergies: A Q&A with Our Top Expert
It’s spring-time again and all across the country, people with allergies are sniffling, sneezing, and generally suffering from a surfeit of spring allergies. This year, Michael W. Smith, MD, chief medical editor at WebMD, sat down with nationally acclaimed allergist Jordan S. Josephson, MD, to get t
Read Full Article - Treating Allergies at Night
If allergies are keeping you awake at night, you're not alone. In one study, only 17% of patients with allergies rated their sleep as optimal. About half of all people in the study said allergies and nasal congestion woke them up at night and also made it hard to fall asleep. Why does it matter? Sle
Read Full Article - Pollen and Allergy Relief
Need some allergy relief? If you have allergies, you know that you can run, but you can't hide from seasonal pollen. With the first deep breath of spring, more than 50 million Americans begin their nearly year-round symptoms of sneezing, wheezing, coughing, snorting, and itching. And millions of all
Read Full Article - Natural Allergy Relief
If spring and fall send your seasonal allergies into a spin, many experts say look to Mother Nature for relief that can be as comforting and easy as a day at the beach. Whether it's the long-awaited change of winter into spring, or the quiet fading of summer into fall, for many folks the changing of
Read Full Article - Under Attack: Hidden Allergy Triggers
Sneezing and wheezing can hit at the most unlikely times. You know you've got an allergy, but sudden attacks can be very mysterious. Richard Weber, MD, an allergy specialist with the National Jewish Medical and Research Center in Denver, reveals a few clues. Kapok (a tree native to tropical America,
Read Full Article - Survival Guide for Pet Allergies
It’s an all-too-common scenario: Your five-year-old begs and pleads for a dog or cat every chance she gets. She even promises to care for the new pet every day. You know, though, that’s not going to happen. It’s clear that task is going to fall on your shoulders. But that’s not even the biggest prob
Read Full Article - Staying Active and in Control Despite Their Allergies
For people who have allergies, the challenges of remaining physically active can easily outweigh the benefits to their health and mental well-being. Running, swimming, and even gardening -- how enjoyable can these activities be when just taking a breath is so exhausting? But having seasonal allergie
Read Full Article - Allergies During the Holidays
Pass the tissues and antihistamine please -- 'tis the season for holiday allergies. Like unwanted gifts, sneezing and congestion arrive, making allergy sufferers miserable and putting a damper on holiday fun. Fortunately you don't have to be sidelined from the festivities. Whether it's symptoms to f
Read Full Article - Winter Allergies: What's Your Risk?
The temperature drops, the wind picks up, and like clockwork you're sniffling and sneezing again. Great, you've got another cold -- or is it winter allergies, instead? At first blush it may be hard to tell whether your stuffed nose and watery eyes are caused by allergies to irritants like pet dander
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