How to Darken the Eyes on Photoshop
- 1). Upload the photo that you would like to work with to your computer. It is best to transfer a digital copy from a camera, online photo album or other digital source rather than scanning a printed photo.
- 2). Hold down the "Command" key and drag your image's icon to another part of the desktop or the folder it's in. This will make a duplicate file of the image. It's important to always use a duplicate file when using photo-editing programs so your changes aren't saved to the original file.
- 3). Open Photoshop. Select "File" from the menu and choose "Open." In the dialog that appears, locate your photo and open it.
- 4). Select then "Brush" tool from the toolbar. Click "Q" on you keyboard to activate the "Quick Mask" function.
- 5). Use the "Paintbrush" tool to paint over the irises of both eyes. Click "Q" again on your keyboard. Choose "Select" from the menu and choose "Inverse." The irises will now be selected.
- 6). Select "Image" from the menu and choose "Adjustments." From the options, choose "Hue/Saturation." In the dialog that appears, adjust the sliders until you like the result. Click "OK" and save your work.