Tips for Removing Face Tanning and Arms Tanning Using Home Remedies
- Self tanners may be removed if they don't live up to your expectations.tan image by Allyson Ricketts from
Sunless tanner provides a tan that looks like you have spent all day in the sun, but without the risk of developing skin cancer. Sometimes self tanner can be too orange or end up looking splotchy. Items that you may have on hand at home may eliminate the self tanner or tone down the orange shades to even them out. - Exfoliate your face before you try anything else. Since sunless tanner dyes the first layer of your skin, sloughing that skin off through exfoliation will help lessen the color quickly. According to the website, you should use an exfoliator product that is strictly meant for your face or just scrub gently with a loofah. A facial mask would work as well. Next take a cotton ball and rub on some astringent that contains salicylic acid to minimize blotches. Toner will have the same effect, according to the Beauty Bunny website.
- Baking soda is a great way to lessen the look of self tanner on your body, as stated on the Free Beauty Tips website. Put some in a bathtub and soak in it, gently rubbing your body with a washcloth. You also may place some baking soda on a loofah and rub it into your arms, elbows and other darkened areas and creases. Lemon juice is an excellent skin lightener. Rub a lemon wedge over dark areas to reduce color, suggests the Beauty Bunny website.
- Self tanner can collect in the palms of your hands. To remove this problem, suggests that you dab a cotton ball with hydrogen peroxide and leave it on for a few minutes. Remove it with a damp washcloth. It may take a day or two to see results from this.
Arms and Body