How to Stop Sweaty Palms
- 1). Try treating your hands with antiperspirant. The most effective kind will be aluminum based. Just make sure that you do not get a stick with oils or moisturizers in it because that will just make clammy hands even more slippery.
- 2). Apply moisture absorbing powder such as cornstarch or talcum throughout the day. In those with extremely sweaty palms, this may make matters worse by creating a paste, but this might be just what those with clammy hands need.
- 3). In most cases, sweaty hands are a result of stress. A person can feel stressed at a job interview, school, or in social situations. Teenagers can grow out of sweaty hands as they mature and gain self confidence. Adults can stop sweaty hands by taking deep breaths, eliminating unnecessary stresses or stimulants and using relaxation techniques.
- 4). If you have a serious problem with sweaty hands, talk to your doctor. There are surgical procedures to stop sweaty hands but they need to be discussed with a medical professional before they are undergone.