Teenage Driver Discounts
Teenage driver is a word that strikes fear into parent’s hearts everywhere. This is not only because of the fact that your child is growing up much too fast and you are doing things like teaching your teenager how to drive, but there is also the increase in your auto insurance premium for adding a teenage driver to your policy. As the mother of a teenage driver, I did some checking around to find out ways to lower my auto insurance premium .
One program I found that helps with reducing your insurance premium is having your teenager complete a safe teen driving program. The amount of the discount available for the safe teen driving program varies depending on the company you have your auto insurance with. Check with your insurance company to find out what discounts are available for teen drivers.
Companies Who Offer Safe Driving Discounts
Here are some of the various safe driving programs and discounts available from leading automobile insurers.
AAA Insurance : AAA Insurance has a teen safe driver package available that could save you up to 15% off the cost of adding a teenage drive to your auto insurance policy. In addition to the discounts available, they offer a program to guide you through the process of teaching your teen to drive safely. The program is called Keys2Drive . With this program you can get access to webisodes with safe driving instruction, a newsletter, a “parent-teen agreement” that outlines an agreement for you and your child to sign dealing with the responsibilities of safe driving along with other helpful safe driving resources.
They also offer a device called “AAA OnBoard Teen Safe Driver ” which uses an installed device to help you monitor your teen’s driving habits.
Nationwide : Nationwide Insurance offers a defensive driving discount for an approved driver safety course resulting in a 10% savings on your insurance policy. You can save even more when you add your teen to your auto insurance policy if he earns at least a “B” average in school. The good student discount is a 15% discount which is a substantial savings on your auto insurance policy.
State Farm : State Farm dedicates an entire website to teen driver safety . Their teen driver website has a comprehensive set of tools available to help teens and their parents through the process of learning to drive. Their safe driver discount is called “Steer Clear .” After taking the online course, you receive the discount to your auto insurance policy. The discount is not available in every state, so you will have to check with your local state farm agent to find out if the discount is available.
Saving on Your Auto Insurance through Discounts
Adding a teenage driver to your auto insurance policy is going to add to the cost of your insurance premium, but it doesn’t have to break the bank. Most auto insurance companies offer some type of safe driving discount to teens who complete a defensive driving course. This could be a way for you to be able to afford the additional expense of adding a teenager to your auto policy in combination with other auto insurance discounts . Check with your insurance agent to find out if there are additional discounts you may qualify for to reduce your auto insurance premium even more.
You may need to shop around to find the best price on auto insurance. Keep in mind, however, that the cheapest price is not always necessarily the best deal. You have to consider what coverage you are getting along with things like the reputation and financial stability of the insurance company.