Arizona State Immigration Law Enforcement and Its Consequences
For a long time, Arizona has been one of the states that have been facing law enactment crisis. The Arizona's state law, has been faced with internal instability and fluctuations in controlling various illegal activities; especially the eminent illegal migration of Mexicans into the state. As a result, the Law Enforcement Agency in the state has really been faced with a number challenges. Various Acts have been developed in the Law system to enhance the improvement of the situation in the state, with an aim of integrating the people and the police force in the maintenance of the state's laws. For instance, the "Support Our Laws and Safe Neighborhood Act" referred to as SB 1070 was recently developed and approved by the legislature of the state. Certainly, the Act was addressing the penalties related to immigration law enforcement. Basically, it had been noticed that, the high rate of immigrants from the neighboring states has been accompanied by evils like smuggling, trespassing, and alien registration documents among others (Good, 2010).
It is important to note that, the Arizona laws were initially developed with les regard of the future changes the state, resulting into the kind of disequilibrium in the co-existence between the state's citizens and its neighborhood. Basically, the currently experienced racial profiling in the state has been one of the major rising issues; as the initial laws did not consider other races in the state. On April 29, 2010, HB2162 law was amended in alignment with SB 10170 in order to consider other races, nationality and color of all the people in the state. The particular law defined all the terms and specifications of co-existence between the citizens and the other races, especially the immigrants (Archibold, 2010). Arizona State approved a bill that was termed the most stringent Laws in the history of United States concerning immigration. The bill gave the police authority to determine the immigration status of anyone based on "rational suspicion". This is a contradiction to the very fairness America has been calling for and trying to foster.
The law has been an affront to the Hispanic community for it will cause harassments and discrimination regardless of their citizenship. The implementation of the Law enhanced the issuance of immigration documents; in which failure to that, the state's police would treat such a person as a criminal. As stipulated by the Act, the police ought not to mishandle the immigrants but take them through the law trial for conviction before being judged (Good, 2010).
As it has been revealed by AIC (2010), the amended laws are not different from Federal Laws; only that the proponents of the bill claim it will now be possible to curb illegal immigration in large volumes. Another eminent issue underlying the A-Z laws in Arizona is the cost to be incurred while implementing SB 1070. Basically, the bill has been revealed to have a lot of economic impact on the state. On the social perspective, it has been argued that, the law could end up affecting not just the illegal immigrants, but all Arizonans
Further, Homeland Security has been found to be ignorant of making any arrests to illegal immigrants since they argue it would undermine the fairness and balance that the American government has been working hard to achieve. There is also little evidence that the Arizona police officers have the ability to communicate in Spanish, the dominant Mexican language, hence raising questions of how the police will be able to integrate the suspects without bias (Good, 2010).
More so, the law is also likely to create divisions among police officers since it has become a ‘labor-management issue'. This is because; the leadership of the Phoenix Law Enforcement Association (PLEA), which represents many patrol officers have wanted the freedom to enforce federal immigration laws rigorously. Further, the police officials have been trying to keep a check on cops who are intent on more exuberant crack downs on illegal immigrants. As it has been revealed, Arizona police officials, particularly in smaller jurisdictions with tight budgets, are also complaining that SB 1070 will be burdensome, costly, and distort priorities (AIC, 2010).
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It is important to note that, the Arizona laws were initially developed with les regard of the future changes the state, resulting into the kind of disequilibrium in the co-existence between the state's citizens and its neighborhood. Basically, the currently experienced racial profiling in the state has been one of the major rising issues; as the initial laws did not consider other races in the state. On April 29, 2010, HB2162 law was amended in alignment with SB 10170 in order to consider other races, nationality and color of all the people in the state. The particular law defined all the terms and specifications of co-existence between the citizens and the other races, especially the immigrants (Archibold, 2010). Arizona State approved a bill that was termed the most stringent Laws in the history of United States concerning immigration. The bill gave the police authority to determine the immigration status of anyone based on "rational suspicion". This is a contradiction to the very fairness America has been calling for and trying to foster.
The law has been an affront to the Hispanic community for it will cause harassments and discrimination regardless of their citizenship. The implementation of the Law enhanced the issuance of immigration documents; in which failure to that, the state's police would treat such a person as a criminal. As stipulated by the Act, the police ought not to mishandle the immigrants but take them through the law trial for conviction before being judged (Good, 2010).
As it has been revealed by AIC (2010), the amended laws are not different from Federal Laws; only that the proponents of the bill claim it will now be possible to curb illegal immigration in large volumes. Another eminent issue underlying the A-Z laws in Arizona is the cost to be incurred while implementing SB 1070. Basically, the bill has been revealed to have a lot of economic impact on the state. On the social perspective, it has been argued that, the law could end up affecting not just the illegal immigrants, but all Arizonans
Further, Homeland Security has been found to be ignorant of making any arrests to illegal immigrants since they argue it would undermine the fairness and balance that the American government has been working hard to achieve. There is also little evidence that the Arizona police officers have the ability to communicate in Spanish, the dominant Mexican language, hence raising questions of how the police will be able to integrate the suspects without bias (Good, 2010).
More so, the law is also likely to create divisions among police officers since it has become a ‘labor-management issue'. This is because; the leadership of the Phoenix Law Enforcement Association (PLEA), which represents many patrol officers have wanted the freedom to enforce federal immigration laws rigorously. Further, the police officials have been trying to keep a check on cops who are intent on more exuberant crack downs on illegal immigrants. As it has been revealed, Arizona police officials, particularly in smaller jurisdictions with tight budgets, are also complaining that SB 1070 will be burdensome, costly, and distort priorities (AIC, 2010).
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