How to decode matchmaker profiles
Matchmaker profiles come in all shapes and sizes, from the simple to the downright scary. Understanding how to decode profiles is a great way to learn more about the potential matches you meet online, to see if there is a chance for dating success. With that said, it is not always a good idea to judge a book by its cover in that regard, but at the very least it will be a helpful indication of any potential risk areas before making contact with that cute blonde guy or girl.
Some tips for decoding matchmaker profiles include the following:
€ €I've never done this before, so here goes€¦€
Many singles who are new to matchmaker services feel a bit awkward at first, and this often shows on their profiles. These singles may be recently divorced, or freshly single after a breakup, or even simply ready to try a new way of meeting people. If the rest of their profile is as honest as this opener, then they are likely to be the type who say how their feel, which is always a good thing in the world of dating. If you like the sound of this single's profile, then make them feel welcome by sending them a friendly message.
€ €Party animal who is always in search of a good time€
While this single may just simply enjoy going out, being a party animal may also mean that they do not take life too seriously. If you have joined a matchmaker service to make friends and date casually, then by all means get in touch with this single, but if you are looking for something more serious you may want to think carefully before getting involved with someone who is only after a bit of fun. The best way to determine whether this single is more than just a party waiting to happen is to chat as friends and get to know them before making a date.
€ €Waiting to meet the perfect woman/man€
It may seem romantic to see this on a profile, but make sure you don't pick up on any other signs in the profile that they are on a quest to find the perfect person, literally. Serial daters sometimes use matchmaker services, and tend to fall hard and quickly, only to realise that their partner is never able to live up to their €dream partner'. Other signs to look out for include mentions of previous dating disasters or heartbreak, specific lists of physical and personality traits that their next partner should have and an attitude that their partner should be perfect rather than perfect for them. If you spot any of these signs, you may save yourself some heartbreak by skipping over this single.
€ €looking for someone to share my life with€
If there any golden words on matchmaker sites, these would be them. Of course, this may also mean that this single is ready to settle down€¦ within the next month. If the rest of the profile mentions a busy life, with a need for companionship and someone to share this life with however, it is a good sign that this single is tired of playing the dating game and wants a meaningful relationship €" a partner rather than a fling. Be sure to get in touch if you see this on a matchmaker profile!
Some tips for decoding matchmaker profiles include the following:
€ €I've never done this before, so here goes€¦€
Many singles who are new to matchmaker services feel a bit awkward at first, and this often shows on their profiles. These singles may be recently divorced, or freshly single after a breakup, or even simply ready to try a new way of meeting people. If the rest of their profile is as honest as this opener, then they are likely to be the type who say how their feel, which is always a good thing in the world of dating. If you like the sound of this single's profile, then make them feel welcome by sending them a friendly message.
€ €Party animal who is always in search of a good time€
While this single may just simply enjoy going out, being a party animal may also mean that they do not take life too seriously. If you have joined a matchmaker service to make friends and date casually, then by all means get in touch with this single, but if you are looking for something more serious you may want to think carefully before getting involved with someone who is only after a bit of fun. The best way to determine whether this single is more than just a party waiting to happen is to chat as friends and get to know them before making a date.
€ €Waiting to meet the perfect woman/man€
It may seem romantic to see this on a profile, but make sure you don't pick up on any other signs in the profile that they are on a quest to find the perfect person, literally. Serial daters sometimes use matchmaker services, and tend to fall hard and quickly, only to realise that their partner is never able to live up to their €dream partner'. Other signs to look out for include mentions of previous dating disasters or heartbreak, specific lists of physical and personality traits that their next partner should have and an attitude that their partner should be perfect rather than perfect for them. If you spot any of these signs, you may save yourself some heartbreak by skipping over this single.
€ €looking for someone to share my life with€
If there any golden words on matchmaker sites, these would be them. Of course, this may also mean that this single is ready to settle down€¦ within the next month. If the rest of the profile mentions a busy life, with a need for companionship and someone to share this life with however, it is a good sign that this single is tired of playing the dating game and wants a meaningful relationship €" a partner rather than a fling. Be sure to get in touch if you see this on a matchmaker profile!