Is Syria In a Civil War - By Definition Yes, UN Says Yes, and Syria"s In Denial
Not long ago, I was debating with someone about the question; is Syria in a civil war or are these on-going protests which started during the Arab Spring merely just very popular protests with folks that have too much time on their hands.
One individual explained to me that the culture there is much different and they like to protest, even willing to risk their lives to take a stand, as it shows they are tough minded, and in this way the protestors can gain respect from their fellow friends and neighbors.
One acquaintance suggest that the uprisings have "spiraled into what may turn into a civil war" and yes, I'd say that definitely is a fair assessment, as soon as the defectors formed their own resistance - it meets the definition of a civil war, surely.
The UN announced it was now officially a civil war, and not that anyone really gives the United Nations much credibility, it is the so-called, and self-proclaimed global authority on such things.
My acquaintance noted that "large chunks" of folks haven't been protesting on either side, mostly malcontents, and those who have legitimate and long-term grips with the Assad Regime.
Okay, right, there always will be "the silent" regardless of what nation has a civil unrest period, and they lose no matter what in the end.
Indeed, I talked to another acquaintance in Lebanon and he tells me that there are Syrian license plates all over Beirut now, and Hezbollah is also moving folks out of Syria, so all of Hezbollah's command and control is leaving.
If Hezbollah if afraid of staying then you can bet that things are going to hit the fan soon in a big way.
Syria has now surrounded the City of Homs, not more than 20-miles from the Syrian-Lebanon border.
And it appears that Syrian's Assad expects NATO to intervene, and perhaps the Arab League as well, not with sanctions but with military efforts against the future onslaught and slaughter.
Perhaps, this is why the Assad Regime has allowed Russia to set up an anti-ship missile battery on the coastline.
Regardless of why, this is not a good situation and things could too easily spiral out of control if cooler heads do not prevail.
No, we are not talking the beginning of WW III just yet, but if you will recall, WW II had plenty of warning, signs everywhere, perhaps why Churchill once called it the "Unnecessary War" - so, maybe history needs to be re-read a couple of times as all the players and those on the sideline watch this drama unfold.
Nothing good can become of what is happening right now.
So, please consider all this and think on it.
One individual explained to me that the culture there is much different and they like to protest, even willing to risk their lives to take a stand, as it shows they are tough minded, and in this way the protestors can gain respect from their fellow friends and neighbors.
One acquaintance suggest that the uprisings have "spiraled into what may turn into a civil war" and yes, I'd say that definitely is a fair assessment, as soon as the defectors formed their own resistance - it meets the definition of a civil war, surely.
The UN announced it was now officially a civil war, and not that anyone really gives the United Nations much credibility, it is the so-called, and self-proclaimed global authority on such things.
My acquaintance noted that "large chunks" of folks haven't been protesting on either side, mostly malcontents, and those who have legitimate and long-term grips with the Assad Regime.
Okay, right, there always will be "the silent" regardless of what nation has a civil unrest period, and they lose no matter what in the end.
Indeed, I talked to another acquaintance in Lebanon and he tells me that there are Syrian license plates all over Beirut now, and Hezbollah is also moving folks out of Syria, so all of Hezbollah's command and control is leaving.
If Hezbollah if afraid of staying then you can bet that things are going to hit the fan soon in a big way.
Syria has now surrounded the City of Homs, not more than 20-miles from the Syrian-Lebanon border.
And it appears that Syrian's Assad expects NATO to intervene, and perhaps the Arab League as well, not with sanctions but with military efforts against the future onslaught and slaughter.
Perhaps, this is why the Assad Regime has allowed Russia to set up an anti-ship missile battery on the coastline.
Regardless of why, this is not a good situation and things could too easily spiral out of control if cooler heads do not prevail.
No, we are not talking the beginning of WW III just yet, but if you will recall, WW II had plenty of warning, signs everywhere, perhaps why Churchill once called it the "Unnecessary War" - so, maybe history needs to be re-read a couple of times as all the players and those on the sideline watch this drama unfold.
Nothing good can become of what is happening right now.
So, please consider all this and think on it.