Divorce, From a Negative Situation Into a Positive One - Prepare to Change Your Thinking & Life
Divorce can be an extremely stressful and negative situation for most people going through one.
All that negative energy is a magnet that can attract more unwanted problems.
The last thing you need are more difficult matters in your life.
People, in attempt to run away from their hurt, will make poor choices and turn to alcohol or drugs.
This is only a temporary fix and not a good one at that.
These choices can enhance the problem even more, and again, attract more negative energy, therefore producing more problems.
The hurt is still there and needs to be faced head on.
Take all that negative energy and turn it into a positive one.
There is a saying, when one door closes, another one opens.
There is something good for you that you have been wanting to pursue, something you have been thinking about doing for a while.
If this divorce did not happen, you would have never even tried to reach out for it.
This is where you can take that negative energy created by your divorce, and turn it around into something positive for yourself.
Close that old door, walk into the new open door and experience all the new dreams, hopes and desires that are going to make you feel good, give you a sense of accomplishment, and boost your self esteem.
These are the very things you have been thinking about but never attempt to grasp, because of the restrictions you had before the divorce.
This is the perfect distraction from thinking so much about the past and making those poor choices.
Move on to all the wonderful opportunities the present has to offer.
Having found new opportunities as a result of the divorce is great, because your shifting your focus somewhere else and developing more positive situations in your life.
However, when your not busy working on your new endeavors, surround yourself with positive people you can talk to during those times of the day when you maybe thinking about the divorce and feeling a little down.
Keep that positive energy flowing.
I reconnected with my childhood friend whom I have not seen for over twenty years during a time I was dealing with some difficult feelings.
Talking with her made me forget about everything for a while.
Reconnect with your childhood friend or family member that always made you feel good and that you admire.
All that negative energy is a magnet that can attract more unwanted problems.
The last thing you need are more difficult matters in your life.
People, in attempt to run away from their hurt, will make poor choices and turn to alcohol or drugs.
This is only a temporary fix and not a good one at that.
These choices can enhance the problem even more, and again, attract more negative energy, therefore producing more problems.
The hurt is still there and needs to be faced head on.
Take all that negative energy and turn it into a positive one.
There is a saying, when one door closes, another one opens.
There is something good for you that you have been wanting to pursue, something you have been thinking about doing for a while.
If this divorce did not happen, you would have never even tried to reach out for it.
This is where you can take that negative energy created by your divorce, and turn it around into something positive for yourself.
Close that old door, walk into the new open door and experience all the new dreams, hopes and desires that are going to make you feel good, give you a sense of accomplishment, and boost your self esteem.
These are the very things you have been thinking about but never attempt to grasp, because of the restrictions you had before the divorce.
This is the perfect distraction from thinking so much about the past and making those poor choices.
Move on to all the wonderful opportunities the present has to offer.
Having found new opportunities as a result of the divorce is great, because your shifting your focus somewhere else and developing more positive situations in your life.
However, when your not busy working on your new endeavors, surround yourself with positive people you can talk to during those times of the day when you maybe thinking about the divorce and feeling a little down.
Keep that positive energy flowing.
I reconnected with my childhood friend whom I have not seen for over twenty years during a time I was dealing with some difficult feelings.
Talking with her made me forget about everything for a while.
Reconnect with your childhood friend or family member that always made you feel good and that you admire.