Real Estate? No! Make Money by Flipping Internet Domain Names!
Thinking about venturing into conventional real estate as a "sure thing"? Not so fast. Just this morning, Selena Maranjian, longtime Foolish staffer at The Motley Fool, noted that "real estate isn't a slam-dunk investment."
Instead of pursuing houses, condos, commercial real estate, etc., become a domainer -- i.e., someone who makes a living buying and selling Internet domain names, and turning their Web traffic into cash.
The boom in Internet advertising and the success of the pay-per-click ad model are making the 1990s look downright sluggish. Now, some domainers are making millions per domain name; e.g.,, which fetched a cool $7.5 million in 2006.
In fact, last week, Forbes magazine reported that Steven McDonald, a Connecticut teenager, has grossed $325,000 from flipping domain names -- just since September 2007! One of those domain names was, for which he paid $620. Two weeks later, he sold it for $12,000 to a fellow domainer [AKA domain trader].
Meanwhile, the well-heeled likes of Howard Schultz [Starbucks Coffee Company founder], Ross Perot and others are cashing in on domain name investing, too.
Clearly, there's a lot of money to be made as a domainer -- provided that you know how to do it...
Want the inside secrets of how a few savvy investors are quietly raking in a fortune with easy-to-purchase domains? For Domain Profiteer's seven [7] Domain Profit Methods, go to:
While you're there, be sure to check out the enthusiastic comments by,, Red Herring and USA Today.
Oh, and speaking of checks... There's an image of a five-figure check remitted by a domain auction house, too. Note that it's written to the developer of Domain Profiteer, the leading training system for seizing the underexploited opportunities awaiting in domain investing -- the truly lucrative real estate of the 21st century!
Sneak-preview Domain Profiteer now -- and start seizing your own Internet domain profits:
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Instead of pursuing houses, condos, commercial real estate, etc., become a domainer -- i.e., someone who makes a living buying and selling Internet domain names, and turning their Web traffic into cash.
The boom in Internet advertising and the success of the pay-per-click ad model are making the 1990s look downright sluggish. Now, some domainers are making millions per domain name; e.g.,, which fetched a cool $7.5 million in 2006.
In fact, last week, Forbes magazine reported that Steven McDonald, a Connecticut teenager, has grossed $325,000 from flipping domain names -- just since September 2007! One of those domain names was, for which he paid $620. Two weeks later, he sold it for $12,000 to a fellow domainer [AKA domain trader].
Meanwhile, the well-heeled likes of Howard Schultz [Starbucks Coffee Company founder], Ross Perot and others are cashing in on domain name investing, too.
Clearly, there's a lot of money to be made as a domainer -- provided that you know how to do it...
Want the inside secrets of how a few savvy investors are quietly raking in a fortune with easy-to-purchase domains? For Domain Profiteer's seven [7] Domain Profit Methods, go to:
While you're there, be sure to check out the enthusiastic comments by,, Red Herring and USA Today.
Oh, and speaking of checks... There's an image of a five-figure check remitted by a domain auction house, too. Note that it's written to the developer of Domain Profiteer, the leading training system for seizing the underexploited opportunities awaiting in domain investing -- the truly lucrative real estate of the 21st century!
Sneak-preview Domain Profiteer now -- and start seizing your own Internet domain profits:
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