Don’T Be Too Sure of That Miracle
"For False Christ and False Prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect? See, I have told you before hand". Matthew 24:24-25.
Our Lord Jesus for warned us not to be mesmerized and carried away by miracles. "See, I have warned you before hand" Matthew 24:25. He fore knew that, a time will come, especially at the last days, when miracles will be adulterated.
A time when magic, sorcery, and sooth saying will be the order of the day. It is not new. Pharaoh's magicians did perform signs to prove, they could do what Moses God could do. Likewise, now, many false Prophets and Christ have acquired one or more demonic powers to perform signs and deceive many.
We should be aware, that miracles alone, are not the proof of God's presence in one's life. Rather, seek for the Word - the truth in the gospel. It is obvious that, the crowd in every Crusade are motivated by the need of miracles. People don't bother much about their souls, all they want is instant miracles, while living a disobedient life.
Because of this present stand of later day believers, the antichrist have cashed on it, and many have fallen prey to his gimmicks. Why have we not wondered, why miracles are televised and marketed through the media? Performance of miracles these days are pre-arranged, videoed and accurately predicted. It is now the selling point of any Crusade.
Why have we not asked ourselves, why the miracles don't endure or be perfect like that of our Lord Jesus Christ and the Apostles? Why have miracles now assumed the status of a show business? Why have our Pastors used miracles to promote themselves? Did our Lord Jesus and the Apostles promote themselves or boasted with miracles? These are many questions waiting to be answered.
The truth is that, Miracles of God do exist. But, when miracles takes the dimension of the worid, a thing to boast, draw crowd, advertise, or a marketing strategy. It has moved from real to fake. When the lifestyle and utterances of miracle workers deviate from Christ, it calls to question, who the personality is, and his source of power.
"The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs and lying wonders, and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because, they did not receive the love of the truth that they might be saved". 2 Thessalonians 2:9-10.
The above scripture is another warning, reminding us, that we will share the condemnation of the false Prophets, when we continue to reject the truth. Believing the truth supersedes the miracles. Study the word, live, speak and do it.
Salvation should be everyone's watch word. Many in search of miracles have ended up acquiring demons and multiplying their woes. The Devil is out recruiting followers through his over bloated signs and wonders. Don't be part of it. Be wise. Read more in my e-book Catalogue of the last days.
Our Lord Jesus for warned us not to be mesmerized and carried away by miracles. "See, I have warned you before hand" Matthew 24:25. He fore knew that, a time will come, especially at the last days, when miracles will be adulterated.
A time when magic, sorcery, and sooth saying will be the order of the day. It is not new. Pharaoh's magicians did perform signs to prove, they could do what Moses God could do. Likewise, now, many false Prophets and Christ have acquired one or more demonic powers to perform signs and deceive many.
We should be aware, that miracles alone, are not the proof of God's presence in one's life. Rather, seek for the Word - the truth in the gospel. It is obvious that, the crowd in every Crusade are motivated by the need of miracles. People don't bother much about their souls, all they want is instant miracles, while living a disobedient life.
Because of this present stand of later day believers, the antichrist have cashed on it, and many have fallen prey to his gimmicks. Why have we not wondered, why miracles are televised and marketed through the media? Performance of miracles these days are pre-arranged, videoed and accurately predicted. It is now the selling point of any Crusade.
Why have we not asked ourselves, why the miracles don't endure or be perfect like that of our Lord Jesus Christ and the Apostles? Why have miracles now assumed the status of a show business? Why have our Pastors used miracles to promote themselves? Did our Lord Jesus and the Apostles promote themselves or boasted with miracles? These are many questions waiting to be answered.
The truth is that, Miracles of God do exist. But, when miracles takes the dimension of the worid, a thing to boast, draw crowd, advertise, or a marketing strategy. It has moved from real to fake. When the lifestyle and utterances of miracle workers deviate from Christ, it calls to question, who the personality is, and his source of power.
"The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs and lying wonders, and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because, they did not receive the love of the truth that they might be saved". 2 Thessalonians 2:9-10.
The above scripture is another warning, reminding us, that we will share the condemnation of the false Prophets, when we continue to reject the truth. Believing the truth supersedes the miracles. Study the word, live, speak and do it.
Salvation should be everyone's watch word. Many in search of miracles have ended up acquiring demons and multiplying their woes. The Devil is out recruiting followers through his over bloated signs and wonders. Don't be part of it. Be wise. Read more in my e-book Catalogue of the last days.