Lesson 6: Line Length
Lines of type that are too long or too short slow down reading and comprehension. Combine the wrong line length with the wrong type size and the problem is magnified. The shorter the line length, the smaller the font should be ? allowing more words to the line. The longer the line, the larger the font can be.
There is a four-step process that can help determine the best line length. Keep in mind that these formulas work only when using the selected font.
Changing the font and type size alters the results of the line length formulas. Follow through on all four steps when determining the ideal line length to get a range that best works with your layout and font size.
- Apply the alphabet-and-a-half line length rule.
The alphabet-and-a-half rules places the ideal line length at 39 characters regardless of type size. Measure the line length in inches or picas for your chosen body copy font using the alphabet-and-a-half rule. This is one of the measurements you?ll use in finding the ideal line length/column width for your publication. - Apply the points-times-two line length rule.
Take the type size of your body text and multiply it by two. The result is your ideal line length in picas. That is, 12 point type would have an ideal line length of 12x2 or 24 picas (approx. 4 inches). - Compare the line length measurements for method 1 and 2.
Set a column width in your publication that falls within the range established by each formula. Keeping column widths and line lengths within this range will help insure the most readable text.
- Adjust font size and column widths to accommodate best line length.
If your chosen body copy font and desired layout fall too far outside the ideal line length as determined by applying methods 1 and 2, consider adjusting your font size or changing your layout to find a line length that is closer to the ideal.
Comparisons of Line Length Formulas and Other Considerations