Why Noni?
The thing is I never really heard of Noni before when it was introduced to me in the late 1990's.
I wasn't really into nutrition at that time, and since I had minimal health issues I just didn't care.
Now as I've matured, the playing field has changed.
I still have no major issues, but it takes a better diet and more exercise to maintain my good health.
I found out that the Noni fruit or Morinda citrofolia, is known by a variety of names in various continents and cultures.
It has the appearance of a potato-sized grenade which is the best way I can describe it.
It's green, lumpy and hard but as it become riper, the color changes to a yellowish - white.
It's been around for over two thousand years in the pacific islands and the Polynesians use it mostly as a medicinal fruit but it can be used other ways as well.
This fruit which can also be absorbed into the blood stream as a juice is full of nutrients our bodies crave.
It's rich in vitamins A and C.
There are also antioxidants, flavenoids, phytonutrients, potassium, alkaloids, carotenes, amino acids, carbohydrates and fiber believe it or not.
Most people are familiar with Noni in a juice form but it can also be applied topically and is used as a ingredient in many hand and face crèmes in the U.
Noni has been recognized also for its' analgesic and anti-bacterial properties.
It has been proven to promote healing because it's a natural disinfectant when applied to wounds.
Since it harbors anti-inflammatory properties, it's can treat dry skin, eczema and acne.
So that means it can balance uneven skin tones due to sun damage, prolonged acne infection or aging.
If you need increased energy levels or more stamina this product is for you.
In addition, it assists in maintaining healthy blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar levels If you do take Noni internally, take note it is high in potassium.
So if you are suffering from any kidney ailments see your doctor before you take it.
He would be able to recommend a safe dose depending on your health needs.
I've been taking this product for about two months now, and yes I've seen some positive changes in my body.
My sleep patterns have normalized.
No more waking up repeatedly during the night and unable to go back to bed.
I've also noticed my skin is beginning to change.
The constant dryness that I've battled for years has subsided substantially.
I recommend the PURE NONI that is manufactured by Ardyss International.
I think this product is affordable and it can be taken by both children and adults.
It's the most pure I've come across and while it does have a pungent taste, it really does work.
I wasn't really into nutrition at that time, and since I had minimal health issues I just didn't care.
Now as I've matured, the playing field has changed.
I still have no major issues, but it takes a better diet and more exercise to maintain my good health.
I found out that the Noni fruit or Morinda citrofolia, is known by a variety of names in various continents and cultures.
It has the appearance of a potato-sized grenade which is the best way I can describe it.
It's green, lumpy and hard but as it become riper, the color changes to a yellowish - white.
It's been around for over two thousand years in the pacific islands and the Polynesians use it mostly as a medicinal fruit but it can be used other ways as well.
This fruit which can also be absorbed into the blood stream as a juice is full of nutrients our bodies crave.
It's rich in vitamins A and C.
There are also antioxidants, flavenoids, phytonutrients, potassium, alkaloids, carotenes, amino acids, carbohydrates and fiber believe it or not.
Most people are familiar with Noni in a juice form but it can also be applied topically and is used as a ingredient in many hand and face crèmes in the U.
Noni has been recognized also for its' analgesic and anti-bacterial properties.
It has been proven to promote healing because it's a natural disinfectant when applied to wounds.
Since it harbors anti-inflammatory properties, it's can treat dry skin, eczema and acne.
So that means it can balance uneven skin tones due to sun damage, prolonged acne infection or aging.
If you need increased energy levels or more stamina this product is for you.
In addition, it assists in maintaining healthy blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar levels If you do take Noni internally, take note it is high in potassium.
So if you are suffering from any kidney ailments see your doctor before you take it.
He would be able to recommend a safe dose depending on your health needs.
I've been taking this product for about two months now, and yes I've seen some positive changes in my body.
My sleep patterns have normalized.
No more waking up repeatedly during the night and unable to go back to bed.
I've also noticed my skin is beginning to change.
The constant dryness that I've battled for years has subsided substantially.
I recommend the PURE NONI that is manufactured by Ardyss International.
I think this product is affordable and it can be taken by both children and adults.
It's the most pure I've come across and while it does have a pungent taste, it really does work.