How to Get Free Coupons for Groceries in the Mail
- 1). Request free samples in the mail. "But I want coupons, not samples," you say? With the sample, manufacturers almost always include a coupon for a future purchase. You can sign up online for free samples by mail. Or you can call toll-free numbers to request the free samples.
- 2). Praise or complain about a product to the manufacturer. Say, for example, that the tabs on the baby diapers you bought recently have an annoying habit of tearing off. Simply find the manufacturer from the label on the product. You may even find the website on it. On the website look for the "Contact us" link. Tell them honestly how you felt about your experience with the product. You may need the packaging for identifying information so be sure to save that. Ask (or demand) that they send you coupons in thanks for your feedback. The author's experience is that at least 75% of the time they will send coupons.
- 3). Become a member of word-of-mouth marketing sites like Pssst and Vocalpoint. These companies will mail you free samples and coupons in the hopes that you will give your opinions about the products. The great thing about their coupons is that they are often not available to the general public so you will not have to compete with other shoppers for particular products. Which would you rather have: a $0.35 off 1 coupon for Pillsbury Crescent Rolls or $1.00 off 1 coupon?
- 4). Do use all the coupons you get every week? Most people do not and have lots left over. How about trading coupons with other savvy shoppers! At HotCouponWorld an entire forum is dedicated to trading coupons. Every member lists the coupons they have in the online database. You search the database to see who has coupons that you want. When you find some, you send a private message to that member telling them you're interested in trading for coupon 1, coupon 2, and coupon 3. That member in turn looks through your coupons in the database to see if there are any he/she wants. If there are, then he/she agrees and you both send the coupons desired in the mail. This really isn't worth it for just a handful of coupons. However, if you can find ten or more coupons to trade, it's a win-win situation for both!
- 5). If you are unsuccessful at trading or need more coupons than you can trade for, you can even pay a coupon clipping service to clip them for you. These services procure a large number of coupon inserts from the newspaper. You can order particular coupons or entire inserts. Every coupon clipping service has a minimum order sometimes as little as $2.00. Some services require you to buy a minimum number of a particular coupon such as 2 or 5 or 20. If you can use a lot of coupons, buying them from a service can be really wonderful! The coupons end up costing as little as $0.10 each.
Why would I pay for coupons since I'm trying to save money? Well, if you pay $0.10 for a coupon that will allow you to purchase snacks for free it's worth it!
Coupons can be found lots of other places as well. Be sure to check out my other articles on how to find them!