Rubbing Alcohol Safety
- Rubbing alcohol can irritate skin that it comes into contact with, and can cause potentially serious eye damage in the event that the alcohol gets into an eye. Proper safety wear for working with rubbing alcohol includes gloves, long-sleeved clothing (such as a lab coat) and safety glasses.
- The inhalation of rubbing alcohol fumes can cause drowsiness, shortness of breath and even death. Because of this, it is important to work in an area that has good ventilation. This is especially true in case of a spill or leak of the alcohol.
- Rubbing alcohol is flammable and reacts dangerously with certain other chemicals such as chlorine, acetaldehyde, ethylene oxide, oxidizers and acids. Store rubbing alcohol in a well-ventilated area that is cool and dry, and away from any of the incompatible chemicals.
Protective Wear