Gay Teens & Mental Health
Health is more than just quitting smoking and avoiding the flu.Our mental health is as important as our physial well being and lesbian and gay teens need to take care of this part of who they are.
Teen suicide is a pretty heavy subject. Sadly GLBT adolescents may be even more likely to commit or attempt suicide than are straight teens. However, it is important to realize that being GLBT itself is not a risk factor for suicide. Rather, the negative treatment that many GLBT teens endure can lead to suicidal feelings. Luckily help is available!More »
Here's something to think about: gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender teens who have low self esteem are less likely to practice safe sex than are those who feel good about themselves.You can know all there is to know about condoms and dams, but if you don't think you are worth protecting, it is less likely that you will require a partner to use these barriers.More »
There are a number of organizations that offer gay teens support. Some are created specifically for gay teens. Others serve all teens, with special projects geared towards GLBT youth.But in order to access their services, you have to know that they exist and how to contact them! HEre are six important resources to know about.More »
1. How Gay Teens Can Deal With Depression
A lot of people get the blues, but what's the difference between being depressed and just being sad? Basically, sadness happens to everyone and is a natural reaction to hurtful experiences. Depression is an illness that may or may not have triggers. For gay teens who suffer from depression getting appropriate help is crucial.More »2. Lesbian & Gay Teens at Risk for Suicide
Teen suicide is a pretty heavy subject. Sadly GLBT adolescents may be even more likely to commit or attempt suicide than are straight teens. However, it is important to realize that being GLBT itself is not a risk factor for suicide. Rather, the negative treatment that many GLBT teens endure can lead to suicidal feelings. Luckily help is available!More »
3. What Gay & Lesbian Teens Need to Know About Body Image
Body image isn't just a concern for straight girls. Both young gay guys and lesbians can have a lot of issues in this area. There is a lot of discussion in the gay community about body image and some gay men are really devoted to working out and grooming. For lesbian teens the issues can be different. Many lesbian teens reject standard notions of femininity, yet they are often told by the people around them that they need to be more "girly."More »4. What Gay Teens Need to Know About Substance Abuse
Gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender teens have a high rates of alcohol and drug abuse. Some causes include homophobia and discrimination, pressures related to keeping your identity hidden, pressures related to coming out, hanging out with an older crowd because it can be hard to meet other GLBT teens and depression.More »5. Why is Cutting & Self Injury an Issue for Gay Teens?
Self-injury, or cutting, refers to the practice of hurting oneself intentionally as a way to deal with emotional pain. Most cutters say they do not feel suicidal, but rather use cutting as a way to distract themselves from the pain they feel on the inside by giving themselves physical pain on the outside. This issue is a serious one for GLBT teens and one that has come up a number of times in the GLBT Teens forum.More »6. Low Self Esteem Puts Gay Teens at Risk for Unsafe Sex
Here's something to think about: gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender teens who have low self esteem are less likely to practice safe sex than are those who feel good about themselves.You can know all there is to know about condoms and dams, but if you don't think you are worth protecting, it is less likely that you will require a partner to use these barriers.More »
7. Feeling Bad? Gay Teens Can Get Help!
There are a number of organizations that offer gay teens support. Some are created specifically for gay teens. Others serve all teens, with special projects geared towards GLBT youth.But in order to access their services, you have to know that they exist and how to contact them! HEre are six important resources to know about.More »