Steps to Having a Perfect Tan
There are many ways to tan yourself and get that lovely exotic look. With today's technology, there are now procedures or methods that will definitely give the results you wanted within a day or even an hour. What's really great is that there are now products which you can avail at stores and apply it in the comfort of your home without any fear that it might cause you some side effects. Take the great self tan spray products for instance; your bronzed complexion can be achieved in just one glorious bottle. Getting tanned these days is so easy you can do it while sleeping. But we shouldn't forget that there are a lot of preparations still before doing such procedures. We need to prepare ahead so that we can fully acquire the result that we want and avoid unwanted harmful effects.
Before putting on some best self tanner products, you should make it sure that you had exfoliated. Exfoliating removes dead skin cells or any other residue on your body, which results into the tanner's stronger and more lasting effect or power. You can exfoliate while taking a bath; unwind in a tub full of warm water and wait for your pores to open up due to the humidity. With your pores wide open, the scrub you'll use for exfoliation can do its job properly. After the bath, put on at once a non-greasy or sticky moisturizing lotion to (obviously) moisturize your freshly exfoliated skin. The lotion seals the moisture into the pores and will provide as the base for your tanner. Wait until you're entirely dried up, then you're ready to put on your spray tanner.
With a spray tanner, do the tanning in a closed place, just like your shower for instance. Close up the shower curtains because, with a spray tanner, there's the possibility that the spray will get everywhere. Apply the spray in up and down, forward and backward motion on your parts of the body. Make sure you had applied it on ALL parts of the body; missing out on other parts of the body will cause the "fake" impression on your tan. Don't put too much on some parts too, as it will only result in uneven patches or tones on your skin and whole body. A tan is a failed one if it looks fake in the end, so take enough caution and be very, very careful upon applying. What's great about spray tanners than lotion or cream ones is that it easily dries up. It has this silky feeling after application, and you'll be fully satisfied with the results. Spray tanners provide a more balanced hue than other products. Your shade would be closer to golden brown and darker, but definitely natural–looking. It is important that when tanning, it should look as real as possible. To avoid the self-tanning faux paus, you need to choose wisely your tanner to have that glowing shine that will send necks turning into your direction.
Before putting on some best self tanner products, you should make it sure that you had exfoliated. Exfoliating removes dead skin cells or any other residue on your body, which results into the tanner's stronger and more lasting effect or power. You can exfoliate while taking a bath; unwind in a tub full of warm water and wait for your pores to open up due to the humidity. With your pores wide open, the scrub you'll use for exfoliation can do its job properly. After the bath, put on at once a non-greasy or sticky moisturizing lotion to (obviously) moisturize your freshly exfoliated skin. The lotion seals the moisture into the pores and will provide as the base for your tanner. Wait until you're entirely dried up, then you're ready to put on your spray tanner.
With a spray tanner, do the tanning in a closed place, just like your shower for instance. Close up the shower curtains because, with a spray tanner, there's the possibility that the spray will get everywhere. Apply the spray in up and down, forward and backward motion on your parts of the body. Make sure you had applied it on ALL parts of the body; missing out on other parts of the body will cause the "fake" impression on your tan. Don't put too much on some parts too, as it will only result in uneven patches or tones on your skin and whole body. A tan is a failed one if it looks fake in the end, so take enough caution and be very, very careful upon applying. What's great about spray tanners than lotion or cream ones is that it easily dries up. It has this silky feeling after application, and you'll be fully satisfied with the results. Spray tanners provide a more balanced hue than other products. Your shade would be closer to golden brown and darker, but definitely natural–looking. It is important that when tanning, it should look as real as possible. To avoid the self-tanning faux paus, you need to choose wisely your tanner to have that glowing shine that will send necks turning into your direction.