Getting the Guy - Chubby Girls Need Love Too!
Are you a few inches shorter and a few pounds heavier than you'd like to be? Do you think that means you can't catch the eye of the gorgeous guy you've had your eye on? Want to learn how to snag the man of your dreams even if you don't look like Heidi Klum? Read on.
Despite the stereotypes, men aren't interested in a thin woman with a bad attitude.
Everyone wants to be attracted to the person they are with, but most men won't be willing to trade a good personality for a nice body on the girl they are with.
Good looks will eventually fade; men know this.
For a long-term relationship a man wants a girl who is excitement and intelligence and devotion all rolled up into one package, no matter if the package if 6 feet tall or barely scraping the five-foot marker.
So, how does the less-than-model-worth among us compete in a world of Barbie dolls? It comes down to the fact that if you've got personality, you've got an ace in the hole that pretty, brainless girls don't have.
Try this: oBe funny, charming, interesting, and fun.
Guys can't help noticing that! oKeep in mind good-hearted girls who will finish last (and best!).
oYour personality may not be instantly noticeable, but once a man gets to know you he won't be able to resist your charms.
But wait a minute! This is all not to say that if you are a little on the chubby side that you can't be attractive, too.
Not at all! You don't have to downplay your looks to make a man fall for your personality.
You can be pretty AND smart AND interesting AND pleasantly plump all at the same time! To get and keep the guy, any girl - chubby or otherwise - should keep mind the following things, although they are especially important for a woman figure may not be her best asset.
You have lots of good qualities.
They are worth roaring about! If you exude confidence and sparkle from the inside out, your self-assurance will be infectious! If you believe in yourself and see yourself as someone worth paying attention to, pretty soon everyone else will see it, too.
True, some people are just mean.
Those men will pass over a chubby girl in favor of one who fits the mold, but don't let that get you down.
Would you really want to spend time with someone whose priorities are so superficial? Probably not.
The most important thing to remember is that the chubby girl CAN get the gorgeous guy if she believes she can!
Despite the stereotypes, men aren't interested in a thin woman with a bad attitude.
Everyone wants to be attracted to the person they are with, but most men won't be willing to trade a good personality for a nice body on the girl they are with.
Good looks will eventually fade; men know this.
For a long-term relationship a man wants a girl who is excitement and intelligence and devotion all rolled up into one package, no matter if the package if 6 feet tall or barely scraping the five-foot marker.
So, how does the less-than-model-worth among us compete in a world of Barbie dolls? It comes down to the fact that if you've got personality, you've got an ace in the hole that pretty, brainless girls don't have.
Try this: oBe funny, charming, interesting, and fun.
Guys can't help noticing that! oKeep in mind good-hearted girls who will finish last (and best!).
oYour personality may not be instantly noticeable, but once a man gets to know you he won't be able to resist your charms.
But wait a minute! This is all not to say that if you are a little on the chubby side that you can't be attractive, too.
Not at all! You don't have to downplay your looks to make a man fall for your personality.
You can be pretty AND smart AND interesting AND pleasantly plump all at the same time! To get and keep the guy, any girl - chubby or otherwise - should keep mind the following things, although they are especially important for a woman figure may not be her best asset.
You have lots of good qualities.
They are worth roaring about! If you exude confidence and sparkle from the inside out, your self-assurance will be infectious! If you believe in yourself and see yourself as someone worth paying attention to, pretty soon everyone else will see it, too.
True, some people are just mean.
Those men will pass over a chubby girl in favor of one who fits the mold, but don't let that get you down.
Would you really want to spend time with someone whose priorities are so superficial? Probably not.
The most important thing to remember is that the chubby girl CAN get the gorgeous guy if she believes she can!