How to Read a Receipt on Mac Mail
- 1). Click on the "Finder" icon in the dock at the bottom of the screen.
- 2). Highlight your username from the "Places" list on the left side of the window, then double-click on the "Library" folder.
- 3). Open the "Preferences" folder, and double-click on the icon labeled ""
- 4). Highlight the "Root" item at the top of the preference list, and click "New Child."
- 5). Enter "UserHeaders" as the name of the child, and set the "Class" field to "Dictionary."
- 6). Click on the arrow icon to the left of "UserHeaders," then press "New Child" again.
- 7). Enter "Disposition-Notification-To" as the name of the child, and enter your full email address in the "Value" field.
- 8). Highlight the "Disposition-Notification-To" item you just created, and click "New Sibling."
- 9). Set the sibling name to "Return-Receipt-To," and enter your email address in the "Value" field.
- 10
Go to the "File" menu at the top of the screen, and choose "Save." You will now be able to read and send receipts in the Mac Mail program.