5 Kindness Ideas to Do in June
June is typically when school gets out, summer vacations (and jobs) start, and the warm weather begs for some friendship dates. Here are five ways to show your friends some extra kindness this month.
There is something about a smile from someone you don’t know that makes you feel recognized and understood. Imagine that you’re having a bad day and bump into someone on the street. If that person looks right past you or scowls at you, you’ll feel an additional emotional burden. All those negative feelings you might have about the life will be reinforced, just because of the actions of a stranger.
But if that person smiles at you, that may change things a bit. You’ll feel a sense of hope and perhaps even less lonely. Smiling at someone is a powerful way to acknowledge them.
Being nice to strangers has many surprising benefits which extend into friendship. Best of all? It costs nothing. (Here’s a few more kind things to do that don’t cost a thing.
We’ve all got things we’re good at, and if your skills lie in gardening, why not help out a friend who is clueless about where and how to plant things in their yard. The month of June is “Perennial Gardening Month,” and there’s no better reason to help a friend spruce up their yard.
Gardening with a friend can also be a healthy way to spend time together. You’ll both burn some calories, but it will be at a relaxed pace where you can still chat and have a variety of conversations. If you’re a new friend, it will give you a chance to get to know each other. If you’re neighbors, it’s an especially nice way to stay in each other’s good graces.
Longtime friends may also find that gardening together creates a companionable silence between the two of you. There’s no rule that says you have to constantly be talking each moment you’re together. In fact, friends who are rock solid often find that they don’t need to fill in the quiet spaces of a conversation. If there is a pause (especially during an activity like gardening or taking a long car ride), they simply enjoy each other’s company without filling it with words.
Introverts, especially may enjoy the intellectual and peaceful elements of gardening. If you have a long-distance friend or just want to send a quick little “thinking of you” note, a pack of seeds sent in a card is another nice way to spread some gardening love.
Since June is both National Candy and Fruit and Veggies Month, use that as inspiration to buy a snack for your coworker. You can go with the candy route if that’s something they’re interested in, or opt for a healthier item if they’re on a diet, have health issues, or just enjoy eating natural foods.
Making friends at work is a good way to build lasting friendships that can stand the test of time, even when you both move on to other jobs. (Here’s some more kindness ideas for coworkers.)
June 14th through 22nd is “Knit and Crochet in Public” month, so grab a friend, sit in the park, and work on your own individual projects while you catch up. Doing stich work of any kind is an easy way to keep up on your latest yarn and embroidery projects while still hanging out with friends.
Hobbies like knit and crochet are very helpful when it comes to making and keeping friends. There are surprising benefits you can take away as they help make you a more creative and independent person, which in turn allows you to attract more positive friends into your life.
It’s too easy to lose friendships because of busyness, and even those older, more stable relationships of yours need nurturing. This month, dial up a friend to hear their voice and catch up. Ask them how they’re doing, and listen closely to the answer. Allow their voice to lift your spirits, and make sure before the call ends that you tell them how happy you are to have them in your life.
Now that you've seen just how easy random acts of kindness can be, how about continuing this habit for the month of July.
1. Smile at a Stranger Today
There is something about a smile from someone you don’t know that makes you feel recognized and understood. Imagine that you’re having a bad day and bump into someone on the street. If that person looks right past you or scowls at you, you’ll feel an additional emotional burden. All those negative feelings you might have about the life will be reinforced, just because of the actions of a stranger.
But if that person smiles at you, that may change things a bit. You’ll feel a sense of hope and perhaps even less lonely. Smiling at someone is a powerful way to acknowledge them.
Being nice to strangers has many surprising benefits which extend into friendship. Best of all? It costs nothing. (Here’s a few more kind things to do that don’t cost a thing.
2. Help a Friend Plant Some Flowers in Their Yard
We’ve all got things we’re good at, and if your skills lie in gardening, why not help out a friend who is clueless about where and how to plant things in their yard. The month of June is “Perennial Gardening Month,” and there’s no better reason to help a friend spruce up their yard.
Gardening with a friend can also be a healthy way to spend time together. You’ll both burn some calories, but it will be at a relaxed pace where you can still chat and have a variety of conversations. If you’re a new friend, it will give you a chance to get to know each other. If you’re neighbors, it’s an especially nice way to stay in each other’s good graces.
Longtime friends may also find that gardening together creates a companionable silence between the two of you. There’s no rule that says you have to constantly be talking each moment you’re together. In fact, friends who are rock solid often find that they don’t need to fill in the quiet spaces of a conversation. If there is a pause (especially during an activity like gardening or taking a long car ride), they simply enjoy each other’s company without filling it with words.
Introverts, especially may enjoy the intellectual and peaceful elements of gardening. If you have a long-distance friend or just want to send a quick little “thinking of you” note, a pack of seeds sent in a card is another nice way to spread some gardening love.
3. Buy a Snack or Treat for Your Coworker
Since June is both National Candy and Fruit and Veggies Month, use that as inspiration to buy a snack for your coworker. You can go with the candy route if that’s something they’re interested in, or opt for a healthier item if they’re on a diet, have health issues, or just enjoy eating natural foods.
Making friends at work is a good way to build lasting friendships that can stand the test of time, even when you both move on to other jobs. (Here’s some more kindness ideas for coworkers.)
4. Knit and Crochet
June 14th through 22nd is “Knit and Crochet in Public” month, so grab a friend, sit in the park, and work on your own individual projects while you catch up. Doing stich work of any kind is an easy way to keep up on your latest yarn and embroidery projects while still hanging out with friends.
Hobbies like knit and crochet are very helpful when it comes to making and keeping friends. There are surprising benefits you can take away as they help make you a more creative and independent person, which in turn allows you to attract more positive friends into your life.
5. Call Up an Old Friend Just to Say Hi
It’s too easy to lose friendships because of busyness, and even those older, more stable relationships of yours need nurturing. This month, dial up a friend to hear their voice and catch up. Ask them how they’re doing, and listen closely to the answer. Allow their voice to lift your spirits, and make sure before the call ends that you tell them how happy you are to have them in your life.
Now that you've seen just how easy random acts of kindness can be, how about continuing this habit for the month of July.