5 Tips In Working With Motivated Home Sellers In Los Angeles
5 Tips To Successfully Working With Motivated Sellers!
There are a lot of motivated sellers out there who are in a bad situation and are desperately looking for a solution to their problem. You can be their solution and you can make the situation a win-win for all parties involved! That is the type of Real Estate Investing that I fully endorse.
Communicating with motivated sellers while trying to buy their property can be difficult unless you switch your mindset to where you are truly helping them instead of just trying to get a deal. Here are 5 tips to keep in mind when communicating with motivated sellers.
1. Have a Buyer's Mentality... Remember what your ultimate purpose is. You are there to BUY! You are not trying to persuade, convince or sell anyone to sell you their property. You also should not jump through hoops to buy the property. You are there to solve their problem.
2. Posture... You are in control of the conversation and you are asking questions, not answering questions. The person who asks the questions is the person controlling the conversation! You are the person who will help them to get out of their bad situation.
3. Questions... You might use a script early on, but honestly the sooner you get off the script and out of your head and JUST LISTEN, your results will skyrocket. Scripts aren't natural and people buy you because of who you are, not what you say. When you listen, I mean really listen, the prospect will give you your next question.
4. Silence... When you don't use a script, you can be completely engaged and in-tune to what the owner is saying. By not saying a word a letting the owner tell you the entire story, you will get every question that you need to ask and more importantly, you will truly know how you can help them. You have 2 ears and 1 mouth for a reason...
5. The Take Away... This is the most important tip of them all. You must make the owner aware that you are not attached to the property at all and that you are ready to walk away at a moments notice. Do NOT get attached to any property, as that will more likely hurt you in the long run. This is business and leave it at that. When you do walk away from deals, you will actually make more money in the long run and have a ton more success!
Master these 5 tips when communicating with motivated sellers and you will truly make good money but more importantly help people get out of bad situations.
Now it's great that you know these 5 tips, but this is just the tip of the iceberg. To really take your investing career to another level and to make money time and time again, deal after deal, check out this free report on the "12 Investing Success Killers and 12 Ways to Avoid Them." http://www.massivewealthmachine.com
You will also get a bonus video on how you can associate yourself with local and very successful real estate investors in your area who complete deals regularly. There is so much power with mentorship and a community of like-minded individuals.
Until we talk again, be phenomenal!
Gerek Allen
There are a lot of motivated sellers out there who are in a bad situation and are desperately looking for a solution to their problem. You can be their solution and you can make the situation a win-win for all parties involved! That is the type of Real Estate Investing that I fully endorse.
Communicating with motivated sellers while trying to buy their property can be difficult unless you switch your mindset to where you are truly helping them instead of just trying to get a deal. Here are 5 tips to keep in mind when communicating with motivated sellers.
1. Have a Buyer's Mentality... Remember what your ultimate purpose is. You are there to BUY! You are not trying to persuade, convince or sell anyone to sell you their property. You also should not jump through hoops to buy the property. You are there to solve their problem.
2. Posture... You are in control of the conversation and you are asking questions, not answering questions. The person who asks the questions is the person controlling the conversation! You are the person who will help them to get out of their bad situation.
3. Questions... You might use a script early on, but honestly the sooner you get off the script and out of your head and JUST LISTEN, your results will skyrocket. Scripts aren't natural and people buy you because of who you are, not what you say. When you listen, I mean really listen, the prospect will give you your next question.
4. Silence... When you don't use a script, you can be completely engaged and in-tune to what the owner is saying. By not saying a word a letting the owner tell you the entire story, you will get every question that you need to ask and more importantly, you will truly know how you can help them. You have 2 ears and 1 mouth for a reason...
5. The Take Away... This is the most important tip of them all. You must make the owner aware that you are not attached to the property at all and that you are ready to walk away at a moments notice. Do NOT get attached to any property, as that will more likely hurt you in the long run. This is business and leave it at that. When you do walk away from deals, you will actually make more money in the long run and have a ton more success!
Master these 5 tips when communicating with motivated sellers and you will truly make good money but more importantly help people get out of bad situations.
Now it's great that you know these 5 tips, but this is just the tip of the iceberg. To really take your investing career to another level and to make money time and time again, deal after deal, check out this free report on the "12 Investing Success Killers and 12 Ways to Avoid Them." http://www.massivewealthmachine.com
You will also get a bonus video on how you can associate yourself with local and very successful real estate investors in your area who complete deals regularly. There is so much power with mentorship and a community of like-minded individuals.
Until we talk again, be phenomenal!
Gerek Allen