Breast Augmentation and the Possible Risks it Involves
Breast enhancement is a procedure in which the shape and size of a woman's chest is increased.
It is basically for aesthetic purposes and usually requires the use of implants which are made of silicone or other materials.
The procedure is not without risk not only during the act itself but also after it has been performed.
Capsular Contracture: This risk is not a common one but does happen in some cases of augmentation.
What happens is that some scarring may occur within or around the incisions and this result to a firm or sometimes hardened feel and look to the breast.
In many women who may experience this, the area may hurt, if the case is severe, and there is a big possibility of a very unnatural look as the end result.
Another operation may be done to correct the capsular contracture but there s till a risk that it may happen again.
Research has shown that there is a lower risk of scarring if the implant is located under the muscle instead of over it.
Deflation or Rupture: Both saline and silicone implants have a distinct possibility of rupturing or deflating some time after the breast enhancement operation.
Saline may leak due to the implants not being filled well.
The loose fluid may fold or crease the shell thus creating an avenue for a slit to appear.
A saline implant should be filled to capacity to avoid deflation sooner or later.
On the other hand, silicone fillers may rupture due to manufacturing error, trauma to the area or ageing by the product itself.
This kind of situation will necessitate another operation to remove the damaged product and whatever leaked materials may have gone out.
Loss of Sensitivity: Loss of sensitivity is another risk that breast enhancement may have.
While not all surgeries may result to insensitivity in chest, there are many instances when this happens.
Loss of sensation may be temporary, happening immediately after the procedure but there are cases when it is permanent.
The way the surgery is done may indicate how high the risk for loss of sensation may be.
Mammography: The detection of cancer and other masses which may be in the area may be hampered by the location of the implants.
This can be easily remedied by additional views or angles during mammography to increase the doctor's visibility.
This remedy is not fool proof, though, and the risk is still high that a lump may be hidden due to the implants.
It is basically for aesthetic purposes and usually requires the use of implants which are made of silicone or other materials.
The procedure is not without risk not only during the act itself but also after it has been performed.
Capsular Contracture: This risk is not a common one but does happen in some cases of augmentation.
What happens is that some scarring may occur within or around the incisions and this result to a firm or sometimes hardened feel and look to the breast.
In many women who may experience this, the area may hurt, if the case is severe, and there is a big possibility of a very unnatural look as the end result.
Another operation may be done to correct the capsular contracture but there s till a risk that it may happen again.
Research has shown that there is a lower risk of scarring if the implant is located under the muscle instead of over it.
Deflation or Rupture: Both saline and silicone implants have a distinct possibility of rupturing or deflating some time after the breast enhancement operation.
Saline may leak due to the implants not being filled well.
The loose fluid may fold or crease the shell thus creating an avenue for a slit to appear.
A saline implant should be filled to capacity to avoid deflation sooner or later.
On the other hand, silicone fillers may rupture due to manufacturing error, trauma to the area or ageing by the product itself.
This kind of situation will necessitate another operation to remove the damaged product and whatever leaked materials may have gone out.
Loss of Sensitivity: Loss of sensitivity is another risk that breast enhancement may have.
While not all surgeries may result to insensitivity in chest, there are many instances when this happens.
Loss of sensation may be temporary, happening immediately after the procedure but there are cases when it is permanent.
The way the surgery is done may indicate how high the risk for loss of sensation may be.
Mammography: The detection of cancer and other masses which may be in the area may be hampered by the location of the implants.
This can be easily remedied by additional views or angles during mammography to increase the doctor's visibility.
This remedy is not fool proof, though, and the risk is still high that a lump may be hidden due to the implants.