Breast Cancer Information
Breast cancer awareness has rapidly increased in the past years.
While much credit is given to the internet and its capability to give instant access to information, breast cancer advocates have also done their share.
Information campaigns on TV, in print and all other media forms have contributed a lot in educating more people.
Breast cancer information is available practically everywhere.
These are the things that you need to know about breast cancer.
In its simplest terms, breast cancer is caused by cells that have grown uncontrollably.
Some genes control cell growth.
If these genes become abnormal or are damaged, then cancer cells develop.
Breast cancer may be confined in specific parts of the breast, or it may spread and affect more tissues and even the other body organs.
The most common types of breast cancer are those that develop in the lobules (lobular) or ducts (ductal).
Lobules are the glands that produce milk.
Ducts are the tubes connecting lobules to the nipple, where milk shall pass through.
When cancer is confined to the point or place where it first developed, cancer is said to be at Stage 0 or non-invasive.
If cancer is of the invasive type, it means that it has moved beyond the walls and has affected surrounding tissue.
There are many symptoms of breast cancer, but remember that not all lumps or tumors are malignant.
Conversely, what would appear as a harmless rash may be a symptom of inflammatory breast cancer.
A woman should know how her breast looks.
As soon as she sees any changes in appearance whatsoever, she must consult a doctor soon.
Symptoms include lumps, mass, swelling, discoloration, or distortion in shape of the breast as well as dimpling of the skin.
Inverted nipple and nipple discharges are also symptoms of breast cancer.
There are ways to detect breast cancer.
One is through self-examination.
This is done monthly, after menstruation.
Check for lumps in the breast and in areas surrounding it.
While it cannot detect all lumps or you may miss some of them during inspection, this is still effective for most women.
Another method is through a mammogram.
Your doctor may schedule you for regular mammogram screening tests.
Still other methods include MRI scanning and breast ultrasound.
Early detection is the solution for breast cancer cure.
The earlier the cancer is detected, the more curable it is and the higher the survival rates.
Cancer stages may be described as early, later or advanced.
Early stages include Stages 0 - IIA, later stages include Stages IIB and III and advanced stage is Stage IV.
The stage determines the size of the tumor as well as the involvement of other tissues, lymph nodes and other body parts.
Cancer may also be described using the letters T, N and M.
T refers to the tumor size.
N describes lymph node involvement.
M determines if there is cancer metastasis, or if the cancer has moved and infected other bodily organs.
There are different treatments available.
Mastectomy involves the removal of the entire breast and this is performed if cancer is still in its early stage.
Lumpectomy is a partial mastectomy, when only a part of the breast is removed.
Cancer cells are removed in order to avoid them spreading.
Radiation then follows surgery.
Hormonal therapy can also be given.
The goal is to reduce estrogen or its effects.
When estrogen levels in the body are high, cancer cells grow and multiply, so estrogen is blocked with this treatment.
But in order for this treatment to apply, the cancer must be hormone-receptive-positive.
Another treatment is chemotherapy.
For this treatment, cells are hindered from reproducing.
But because this therapy is systemic, or it involves the entire body, cells of other body parts are likewise affected.
This explains why chemotherapy has side effects, among them nausea and hair loss.
There are many sources of breast cancer information.
Breast cancer organizations and support groups publish online articles and medical journals.
Some groups release short films and educational videos to illustrate breast cancer detection and stages.
Books and medical magazines written by medical experts are likewise good sources of information.
With all these sources, more people are able to read and learn about breast cancer.
While much credit is given to the internet and its capability to give instant access to information, breast cancer advocates have also done their share.
Information campaigns on TV, in print and all other media forms have contributed a lot in educating more people.
Breast cancer information is available practically everywhere.
These are the things that you need to know about breast cancer.
In its simplest terms, breast cancer is caused by cells that have grown uncontrollably.
Some genes control cell growth.
If these genes become abnormal or are damaged, then cancer cells develop.
Breast cancer may be confined in specific parts of the breast, or it may spread and affect more tissues and even the other body organs.
The most common types of breast cancer are those that develop in the lobules (lobular) or ducts (ductal).
Lobules are the glands that produce milk.
Ducts are the tubes connecting lobules to the nipple, where milk shall pass through.
When cancer is confined to the point or place where it first developed, cancer is said to be at Stage 0 or non-invasive.
If cancer is of the invasive type, it means that it has moved beyond the walls and has affected surrounding tissue.
There are many symptoms of breast cancer, but remember that not all lumps or tumors are malignant.
Conversely, what would appear as a harmless rash may be a symptom of inflammatory breast cancer.
A woman should know how her breast looks.
As soon as she sees any changes in appearance whatsoever, she must consult a doctor soon.
Symptoms include lumps, mass, swelling, discoloration, or distortion in shape of the breast as well as dimpling of the skin.
Inverted nipple and nipple discharges are also symptoms of breast cancer.
There are ways to detect breast cancer.
One is through self-examination.
This is done monthly, after menstruation.
Check for lumps in the breast and in areas surrounding it.
While it cannot detect all lumps or you may miss some of them during inspection, this is still effective for most women.
Another method is through a mammogram.
Your doctor may schedule you for regular mammogram screening tests.
Still other methods include MRI scanning and breast ultrasound.
Early detection is the solution for breast cancer cure.
The earlier the cancer is detected, the more curable it is and the higher the survival rates.
Cancer stages may be described as early, later or advanced.
Early stages include Stages 0 - IIA, later stages include Stages IIB and III and advanced stage is Stage IV.
The stage determines the size of the tumor as well as the involvement of other tissues, lymph nodes and other body parts.
Cancer may also be described using the letters T, N and M.
T refers to the tumor size.
N describes lymph node involvement.
M determines if there is cancer metastasis, or if the cancer has moved and infected other bodily organs.
There are different treatments available.
Mastectomy involves the removal of the entire breast and this is performed if cancer is still in its early stage.
Lumpectomy is a partial mastectomy, when only a part of the breast is removed.
Cancer cells are removed in order to avoid them spreading.
Radiation then follows surgery.
Hormonal therapy can also be given.
The goal is to reduce estrogen or its effects.
When estrogen levels in the body are high, cancer cells grow and multiply, so estrogen is blocked with this treatment.
But in order for this treatment to apply, the cancer must be hormone-receptive-positive.
Another treatment is chemotherapy.
For this treatment, cells are hindered from reproducing.
But because this therapy is systemic, or it involves the entire body, cells of other body parts are likewise affected.
This explains why chemotherapy has side effects, among them nausea and hair loss.
There are many sources of breast cancer information.
Breast cancer organizations and support groups publish online articles and medical journals.
Some groups release short films and educational videos to illustrate breast cancer detection and stages.
Books and medical magazines written by medical experts are likewise good sources of information.
With all these sources, more people are able to read and learn about breast cancer.