Do You Know What the Biggest Cause of Anxiety Disorders and Panic Attacks Are?
Are you an anxiety sufferer? Have you ever wondered what is the major cause of anxiety disorders and panic attacks are? Well keep reading because today I am going to tell you.
The biggest cause of anxiety disorders and panic attacks are - your thoughts.
Our thoughts are incredibly powerful they create our reality and have a hypnotizing effect on our minds.
If you are suffering from anxiety then I can bet you that 99% of the time you are thinking worried negative thoughts.
By doing this all day you are in fact hypnotizing yourself to believe that you have something to be anxious about.
Anxiety disorders and panic attacks are nourished and kept alive by negative thinking and worrying.
To break free of these conditions you must begin challenging this kind of thinking as soon as possible.
The first thing that you must do is become aware of all the negative thoughts and commentary running through your head.
You may already be aware of these thoughts but for the vast majority of people they are unconscious.
Thoughts such as, "I'm as bad person, I'll never cope, it's all too much" are very powerful they suck up your vitality and confidence and use up a lot of energy that could be far better spent elsewhere.
To help control these kinds of thoughts here are a few things you can do.
· Start carrying a notebook with you everywhere you go.
Write down every negative thought that comes into your mind.
You will probably be amazed at how many there are.
By doing this exercise you will be able to become more conscious of negative thinking generally.
· The next time you catch a negative thoughts ask yourself whether they are realistic or whether they merely represent a highly biased view of events.
You must learn to challenge negative thoughts as they arise and push them out your mind.
To do this whenever you have a negative thought immediately replace it with a positive one.
For example, "I'm not good enough" becomes, "I'm doing my best in difficult circumstances" and, "I'm always late" becomes, "I'm occasionally late".
Changing your thinking will be extremely difficult, especially if you have been stuck in negativity for a long time.
But if you can persist in doing this you will soon find your life changing in the most wonderful way.
The biggest cause of anxiety disorders and panic attacks are - your thoughts.
Our thoughts are incredibly powerful they create our reality and have a hypnotizing effect on our minds.
If you are suffering from anxiety then I can bet you that 99% of the time you are thinking worried negative thoughts.
By doing this all day you are in fact hypnotizing yourself to believe that you have something to be anxious about.
Anxiety disorders and panic attacks are nourished and kept alive by negative thinking and worrying.
To break free of these conditions you must begin challenging this kind of thinking as soon as possible.
The first thing that you must do is become aware of all the negative thoughts and commentary running through your head.
You may already be aware of these thoughts but for the vast majority of people they are unconscious.
Thoughts such as, "I'm as bad person, I'll never cope, it's all too much" are very powerful they suck up your vitality and confidence and use up a lot of energy that could be far better spent elsewhere.
To help control these kinds of thoughts here are a few things you can do.
· Start carrying a notebook with you everywhere you go.
Write down every negative thought that comes into your mind.
You will probably be amazed at how many there are.
By doing this exercise you will be able to become more conscious of negative thinking generally.
· The next time you catch a negative thoughts ask yourself whether they are realistic or whether they merely represent a highly biased view of events.
You must learn to challenge negative thoughts as they arise and push them out your mind.
To do this whenever you have a negative thought immediately replace it with a positive one.
For example, "I'm not good enough" becomes, "I'm doing my best in difficult circumstances" and, "I'm always late" becomes, "I'm occasionally late".
Changing your thinking will be extremely difficult, especially if you have been stuck in negativity for a long time.
But if you can persist in doing this you will soon find your life changing in the most wonderful way.