How to Make Him Your Boyfriend! Vital Things You Must Know If You Want Him to Be Your Boyfriend
Are you in misery because the guy you have fallen in love with does not even know you exist? Or are you in a dilemma as to how to make your heartthrob fall madly in love with you? If you are looking for ways to make him your boyfriend, take a look at these sure shot ways that will make him yours in no time! Make him respect you If he realizes that you are not a woman who is "fast and easy" he will want to chase you and capture you just because you seem "unavailable" or "unattainable".
Don't give in and sleep with him on the very first date! This will make him respect you and fall in love with you faster! Give him a good chase If you keep in mind that all men love a good chase and love to "conquer" their women, then you will play it smart and give him all the thrills he is seeking.
The trick is to know when to allow him to "catch" you.
Don't make it too easy and you will enjoy the chase too.
Don't be too demanding The surest way to put the guy off is to become too demanding and avaricious.
No guy wants a greedy girlfriend.
Be considerate and be easy on his wallet.
As long as he knows he can trust you not to be greedy and demanding - he will love you.
Instead suggest going "dutch"! Prove that he's got competition Don't hang around waiting for him to ask you out.
Capture his interest by becoming popular with others.
Be the center of attraction and enlarge your friends circle.
Do things with others too and join a club! The moment he notices how attractive you are to his friends he will want to ask you out.
Subtle manipulation works Since it is a known fact that men hate to commit to a relationship it is wise to refrain from pushing him into becoming your boyfriend.
The best way to get him to do it is to make him believe that it is HIS idea in the first place! Ignore him a little and let him think that you are not interested.
It works! Have fun If he sees you having fun and being busy, he will hate the idea! Cancel a date and pretend that you have other things to do that you can't get out of! He will get the message loud and clear - that you are not going to sit around waiting for him to make up his mind about making a commitment.
Leave town for a while Everyone has heard of the old adage "absence makes the heart fonder".
The truth is that it really does! Take a trip or a short vacation and make him miss you.
The best way to make him long for your company is to send him a postcard or a photograph of you having the time of your life! He will want you date you seriously when you get back!
Don't give in and sleep with him on the very first date! This will make him respect you and fall in love with you faster! Give him a good chase If you keep in mind that all men love a good chase and love to "conquer" their women, then you will play it smart and give him all the thrills he is seeking.
The trick is to know when to allow him to "catch" you.
Don't make it too easy and you will enjoy the chase too.
Don't be too demanding The surest way to put the guy off is to become too demanding and avaricious.
No guy wants a greedy girlfriend.
Be considerate and be easy on his wallet.
As long as he knows he can trust you not to be greedy and demanding - he will love you.
Instead suggest going "dutch"! Prove that he's got competition Don't hang around waiting for him to ask you out.
Capture his interest by becoming popular with others.
Be the center of attraction and enlarge your friends circle.
Do things with others too and join a club! The moment he notices how attractive you are to his friends he will want to ask you out.
Subtle manipulation works Since it is a known fact that men hate to commit to a relationship it is wise to refrain from pushing him into becoming your boyfriend.
The best way to get him to do it is to make him believe that it is HIS idea in the first place! Ignore him a little and let him think that you are not interested.
It works! Have fun If he sees you having fun and being busy, he will hate the idea! Cancel a date and pretend that you have other things to do that you can't get out of! He will get the message loud and clear - that you are not going to sit around waiting for him to make up his mind about making a commitment.
Leave town for a while Everyone has heard of the old adage "absence makes the heart fonder".
The truth is that it really does! Take a trip or a short vacation and make him miss you.
The best way to make him long for your company is to send him a postcard or a photograph of you having the time of your life! He will want you date you seriously when you get back!