At Home With The Nanny Or At A Daycare With The Other Kids?
Before you arrived at a decision to get a Nanny, you probably had to decide on whether a Nanny is better than taking your kids to the daycare. It was probably a hard decision because like any other choices, they both have their pros and cons. If you already decided on getting a Nanny, you probably weighed it already. If you’re still trying to decide between the two, you can continue reading for more information. But even if you already decided on getting a Nanny, the following information can also be helpful for you. You might have missed out on important factors when you arrived at that decision.
It would have been the best thing if you can leave the decision to your kids since they are the ones most affected with this decision. Unfortunately, they’re just starting to learn how to tie their shoelaces. It goes without saying that a probable life changing decision is too big for them to handle. So as responsible parents, you decide for them.
What makes a daycare popular to parents? The obvious reason is your kids will be around other kids that can help their growth. It’s always a good way to help your kids grow if they are with kids their age. A day care also has facilities that are conducive to learning as well as improving your children’s motor skills. Daycares are also regulated by state and federal laws. So unless you didn’t bother to check if the center complies with the said law, you can rest knowing that your kid is safe.
However, daycares can also be too much for your children. It can sometimes be too noisy or downright chaotic. An afternoon just after the sugar rush is not always a pretty sight. If your kid is more on the quiet side, this can be traumatic. There’s also the risk of “bullies” or even simple misunderstandings about who gets to play on the sand box. At a young age, this can be hard to understand for them.
If you get a Nanny, say through an online site like, you can be sure that your kid is growing up in a familiar surrounding around familiar people. Problems are usually on the smaller scale and can easily be resolved by the Nanny if you’re not around. Since your kids grew up with you, you know each need that they have. You have all the medicines, toys and stuff that they need and love. A traumatic experience can easily be resolved because your kid is in the comforts of your home.
Having a Nanny also has its disadvantages. It is relatively more expensive than sending your kid to a daycare center. But for most parents, they don’t really feel that extra pinch. Having a Nanny would make sure that there is a 1:1 ratio of Nanny to your child. Although it can be higher if you have more than one child, it surely beats the adult to children ratio in a daycare center. You can also factor in the cost of dropping off and picking up your child at a daycare center. There are several factors but for your own children, we’re sure that costs are secondary.
Choosing a daycare is also hard work. So whatever you decide on, take the time and keep your children in mind. If your children can decide for their own, they would choose the best fit for them. Make sure that you do the same thing for them.
It would have been the best thing if you can leave the decision to your kids since they are the ones most affected with this decision. Unfortunately, they’re just starting to learn how to tie their shoelaces. It goes without saying that a probable life changing decision is too big for them to handle. So as responsible parents, you decide for them.
What makes a daycare popular to parents? The obvious reason is your kids will be around other kids that can help their growth. It’s always a good way to help your kids grow if they are with kids their age. A day care also has facilities that are conducive to learning as well as improving your children’s motor skills. Daycares are also regulated by state and federal laws. So unless you didn’t bother to check if the center complies with the said law, you can rest knowing that your kid is safe.
However, daycares can also be too much for your children. It can sometimes be too noisy or downright chaotic. An afternoon just after the sugar rush is not always a pretty sight. If your kid is more on the quiet side, this can be traumatic. There’s also the risk of “bullies” or even simple misunderstandings about who gets to play on the sand box. At a young age, this can be hard to understand for them.
If you get a Nanny, say through an online site like, you can be sure that your kid is growing up in a familiar surrounding around familiar people. Problems are usually on the smaller scale and can easily be resolved by the Nanny if you’re not around. Since your kids grew up with you, you know each need that they have. You have all the medicines, toys and stuff that they need and love. A traumatic experience can easily be resolved because your kid is in the comforts of your home.
Having a Nanny also has its disadvantages. It is relatively more expensive than sending your kid to a daycare center. But for most parents, they don’t really feel that extra pinch. Having a Nanny would make sure that there is a 1:1 ratio of Nanny to your child. Although it can be higher if you have more than one child, it surely beats the adult to children ratio in a daycare center. You can also factor in the cost of dropping off and picking up your child at a daycare center. There are several factors but for your own children, we’re sure that costs are secondary.
Choosing a daycare is also hard work. So whatever you decide on, take the time and keep your children in mind. If your children can decide for their own, they would choose the best fit for them. Make sure that you do the same thing for them.