Why Do Oriental Lilies Have Brown Leaves?
- Fungal root rot is the most frequent cause of leaf infection which turns the leaves of the plant brown.
- Root rot is caused by a number of fungi such as pythium, phytophthora, fusarium, rhizoctonia and sclerotium rolfsii.
- Oriental lilies are also attacked by botrytis, which initially creates light tan spots on the stems, leaves or petals. These spots gradually get larger, produce general browning and, finally, the collapse of tissue.
- You can control root rot by keeping the plant foliage as dry as possible. Provide good air circulation to dry the plant after dew or rain. Use copper fungicides to prevent root rot and botrytis during the wet season.
- Preventive measures include pasteurizing the soil medium before planting bulbs. Do not over-water plants and make sure you provide a well-drained soil for growing.
Fungal Rot
Fungi Causing Root Rot