Things to Make a Marriage Stronger
- Marriages can thrive with communication. If you need to get something out in the open, whether it's good or bad, talk to your spouse. For example, if your spouse said something that offended you, it's important to let him know that. By ignoring the problem, he will think what he said to you wasn't a big deal.
- Intimacy isn't just about sexual activity; it's about other types of physical touch as well. For example, you can put your arm around your spouse while you're watching a movie or hold her hand when you go on a walk. Intimacy shows your spouse that you enjoy being close to her.
- A strong marriage is one in which both partners love and respect each other. It's important to remind your spouse that you love her, whether it's during dinner or before she leaves for work. Show your spouse respect by not saying or doing something that might hurt her feelings. Additionally, if she has an opinion that's different from yours, respect her for having her own voice.
- It's important for both spouses to be commited to each other. Even if your spouse does or says something you don't like, you should make an effort to work out your disaggreements. If you only focus on your own desires, you're unlikely to find fulfillment and happiness in your marriage.
- Acceptance is an important aspect of a marriage. If you don't accept your spouse for the person he is, you might make him feel insecure. For example, if your spouse practices a different religion than yours, don't try to convince him to change.
Love and Respect