Don"t Throw Your Marriage Away
When we enter into marriage we take vows to love, honour and cherish the special person that we are deciding to spend the rest of our lives with.
The wedding day is infused with love and hope for the newly married couples future.
For many this love and hope continues throughout their relationship for others difficult times ensue and divorce / separation can proceed.
This can be a hurtful and painful process for both parties on many levels including emotionally, mentally and also financially.
As divorce statistics rise it is time for society as a whole and couples themselves to re-evaluate their situations before diving into the realms of divorce/separation.
Counselling or marriage guidance can be sort so that couples have a third person who is able to intervene but fundamentally changes and decisions must come from the individuals themselves.
Couples should research the psychology of the other sex as this can be mind-blowing.
We all know that men and women think differently but within a marriage those differences can be a significant stumbling block.
Neither couple need to be able to write a thesis at the end of their research or be able to sit a diploma in psychology, but a simple understanding of how the other one works may well prove to be invaluable.
Couples often complain that "all they do is argue".
This may be the case however couples must identify the real reasons for those differences and whether they are fundamentally different in their principles and morals or is it that they simply differ because they are male and female.
Sadly many of us find ourselves on the path to divorce or living separated from the person we love.
Some find it easy to break the bonds of marriage whilst others feel that the marriage vows are not only sacred but when they were proclaimed to their spouse they where honest and truthful words that meant a commitment for a lifetime.
If you speak to anyone who has been married for a significant length of time they will tell you that there are highs and lows and throughout a marriage you fall in and out of love with your spouse many times.
Bearing this in mind marriage should be fought for, it should be cherished by both parties and mistakes that are made by one or both parties should be discussed and forgiveness and acceptance should be paramount.
No matter what the issues of a marriage breakdown remember that it cannot be replaced.
Precious time and love that was involved in the marriage will be lost forever and memories will eventually fade.
Rather than take the negative approach try a positive one.
Marriage does not have to be hard it can be as easy as one wishes and fun and excitement can blossom into fulfilment and contentment.
Remember the highs not the lows.
Remember the person you first fell in love with and how your heart beat out of your chest at the simplest of thoughts of them.
Nobody can say that reconciling a marriage is simple straightforward and painless but it is much less hurtful than separation and divorce.
Don't throw a marriage away before both parties have truly worked to their full potential at saving it.
No situation is every hopeless.
The wedding day is infused with love and hope for the newly married couples future.
For many this love and hope continues throughout their relationship for others difficult times ensue and divorce / separation can proceed.
This can be a hurtful and painful process for both parties on many levels including emotionally, mentally and also financially.
As divorce statistics rise it is time for society as a whole and couples themselves to re-evaluate their situations before diving into the realms of divorce/separation.
Counselling or marriage guidance can be sort so that couples have a third person who is able to intervene but fundamentally changes and decisions must come from the individuals themselves.
Couples should research the psychology of the other sex as this can be mind-blowing.
We all know that men and women think differently but within a marriage those differences can be a significant stumbling block.
Neither couple need to be able to write a thesis at the end of their research or be able to sit a diploma in psychology, but a simple understanding of how the other one works may well prove to be invaluable.
Couples often complain that "all they do is argue".
This may be the case however couples must identify the real reasons for those differences and whether they are fundamentally different in their principles and morals or is it that they simply differ because they are male and female.
Sadly many of us find ourselves on the path to divorce or living separated from the person we love.
Some find it easy to break the bonds of marriage whilst others feel that the marriage vows are not only sacred but when they were proclaimed to their spouse they where honest and truthful words that meant a commitment for a lifetime.
If you speak to anyone who has been married for a significant length of time they will tell you that there are highs and lows and throughout a marriage you fall in and out of love with your spouse many times.
Bearing this in mind marriage should be fought for, it should be cherished by both parties and mistakes that are made by one or both parties should be discussed and forgiveness and acceptance should be paramount.
No matter what the issues of a marriage breakdown remember that it cannot be replaced.
Precious time and love that was involved in the marriage will be lost forever and memories will eventually fade.
Rather than take the negative approach try a positive one.
Marriage does not have to be hard it can be as easy as one wishes and fun and excitement can blossom into fulfilment and contentment.
Remember the highs not the lows.
Remember the person you first fell in love with and how your heart beat out of your chest at the simplest of thoughts of them.
Nobody can say that reconciling a marriage is simple straightforward and painless but it is much less hurtful than separation and divorce.
Don't throw a marriage away before both parties have truly worked to their full potential at saving it.
No situation is every hopeless.