Dangers of Weight Loss Pills
If you want to lose weight but you still can't find the heart to lessen your food intake, chances are, you will cling on to the promises of weight loss pills.
While these diet pills may be effective for most people who tried them, still we can't be 100% sure that they are safe and that they don't pose any harm to our body.
Weight loss pills are actually designed to help those individuals who are clinically overweight or have a body mass index 27 or higher to shed off the extra pounds.
They are not advisable for those people who only want to lose a few pounds.
Truth of the matter is, they are associated with a heap of side effects that is why it is highly recommended that you seek your doctor's advice first before you take in any weight loss pill.
One of the most known dangers of pill intake is an increase in the blood pressure.
Usually, those pills which contain ephedra are at risk of this side effect.
Even those people who don't have any history of high blood pressure could also experience this kind of aftereffect.
On the other hand, those patients with history of coronary disease, congestive heart failure, and stroke could experience serious danger when they take inpill without prescription from the doctor.
Since pills suppress appetite, there is a tendency that metabolic disruption will occur.
The suppression of your appetite makes you eat less and consume fewer calories and since this type of calorie deprivation disrupts your metabolism, the rate of your weight loss will eventually slow down.
We all know that when our metabolism slows down, it will lead to weight gain in the end.
Some diet pills could also cause a person using it to experience restlessness, anxiety, insomnia, irritability, nauseating feeling, and even hallucinations.
Some people could also experience cramps, bloating, severe abdominal pain, dehydration, electrolyte disturbances, and chronic constipation.
Some even suffer from bulimia and anorexia.
It is because most of these diet pills contain laxatives and diuretics which merely force a person to eliminate vital fluids from the body.
It is also important to note that diuretics is a very dangerous ingredient of weight loss pills since it could cause heart arrhythmias and dizziness which could eventually lead to dehydration as well as kidney and organ damage.
Suffice it to say that there are really dangers that taking pillscould cause you.
Thus, it is essential that you consult a doctor first before you take in any diet pill or have that doctor recommend the right pill for you.
Moreover, if you really want to lose weight, nothing really beats eating the right kind of foods and exercising regularly.
While these diet pills may be effective for most people who tried them, still we can't be 100% sure that they are safe and that they don't pose any harm to our body.
Weight loss pills are actually designed to help those individuals who are clinically overweight or have a body mass index 27 or higher to shed off the extra pounds.
They are not advisable for those people who only want to lose a few pounds.
Truth of the matter is, they are associated with a heap of side effects that is why it is highly recommended that you seek your doctor's advice first before you take in any weight loss pill.
One of the most known dangers of pill intake is an increase in the blood pressure.
Usually, those pills which contain ephedra are at risk of this side effect.
Even those people who don't have any history of high blood pressure could also experience this kind of aftereffect.
On the other hand, those patients with history of coronary disease, congestive heart failure, and stroke could experience serious danger when they take inpill without prescription from the doctor.
Since pills suppress appetite, there is a tendency that metabolic disruption will occur.
The suppression of your appetite makes you eat less and consume fewer calories and since this type of calorie deprivation disrupts your metabolism, the rate of your weight loss will eventually slow down.
We all know that when our metabolism slows down, it will lead to weight gain in the end.
Some diet pills could also cause a person using it to experience restlessness, anxiety, insomnia, irritability, nauseating feeling, and even hallucinations.
Some people could also experience cramps, bloating, severe abdominal pain, dehydration, electrolyte disturbances, and chronic constipation.
Some even suffer from bulimia and anorexia.
It is because most of these diet pills contain laxatives and diuretics which merely force a person to eliminate vital fluids from the body.
It is also important to note that diuretics is a very dangerous ingredient of weight loss pills since it could cause heart arrhythmias and dizziness which could eventually lead to dehydration as well as kidney and organ damage.
Suffice it to say that there are really dangers that taking pillscould cause you.
Thus, it is essential that you consult a doctor first before you take in any diet pill or have that doctor recommend the right pill for you.
Moreover, if you really want to lose weight, nothing really beats eating the right kind of foods and exercising regularly.