Crafts Using Ceiling Tiles
- Of all the crafting tools and art canvases available, it's uncommon to think of using ceiling tiles for crafting. Ceiling tiles in need of recycling make great canvases for artwork and crafts. The tiles may be re-hung into the drop ceiling grid or used as wall art once the crafts are completed. Teachers who okay the projects may allow students to decorate ceiling tiles for art or other classroom projects.
- Schools and businesses often decorate doors and windows for Christmas, dressing doors and wall art in wrapping paper. The wrapping theme does not have to stop at walls art and doors, but may continue on to the ceiling. Each tile can be taken out and the front side wrapped in Christmas wrapping paper. Bows and ribbons can also be affixed to give the school or business ceiling a festive look. Once the holiday season is over, the tiles can be taken down, unwrapped and then replaced.
- Many teachers will run out of wall space before the end of the year, with all the great projects they do not want to tear down. One way that this problem is solved is to use the ceiling to display projects. Though this project must first be agreed upon by the school board, it will not result in damage to the tiles if poster board is used over the tiles. At the end of the year, the tiles can be taken down, the projects and posters removed, and the tiles hung back into the grid. Project ideas for these ceiling tile crafts are endless. Art teachers may allow students to use the tiles as canvases, while a literature teacher may have students create collages of different books they read throughout the course of the year. In a home with drop ceilings, you may choose to decorate the tiles and replace them into the ceiling with mosaics or designs painted on to match the decor of a room.
- Using old tiles that do not have to be replaced in the ceiling grid creates more possibilities for crafts. Because the tiles are free to be displayed on walls or on shelves, you may choose to create art works on the tiles by painting or even gluing on collage pieces. The decorated ceiling tiles can also be used as coffee table tops when reinforced with a stronger backing and a glass top to protect the tile and artwork from water damage.
Christmas Decoration
School Projects
Recycling Old Tiles