What Causes Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?
Did you know your carpal tunnel is attached to every other part of your body? Your hand and wrist is directly attached to your back and leg.
Your body is one whole unit, and when any one part gets unhappy, it causes pain or symptoms somewhere else.
Typically, the muscles in the fronts of our bodies get short.
This happens due to work, habits and life.
It also happens when your back muscles become weak.
Stretching the front of your body, like a dog or cat or baby does, will help you get your muscles back to the length they used to be.
Weak back muscles also cause CTS.
Why? Because when you collapse forward--when your back cannot hold you upright--your muscles get aggravated and strained.
Unhappy muscles cause carpal tunnel pain and other symptoms.
Strengthening your back muscles will also help with muscular "balance".
When your muscles are happily balanced, your carpal tunnel symptoms will be less.
In fact, your whole body will feel better! There are lots of potential triggers for CTS.
You might have a vitamin B6 deficiency, be overweight, have diabetes, or an immune system disorder.
Or you might just have a body that needs more attention! You will have to determine what is causing your symptoms.
Sometimes you have to be your own doctor.
You must take care of the only body you will ever have in this lifetime.
Doctors haven't perfected "whole body replacements" yet.
I don't think they ever will.
In the meantime, here are some easy ways to improve your posture: * Lift the crown of your head * Lift your breastbone and * Suck your abdomen back to your spine.
Better posture helps relieve carpal tunnel symptoms and other aches and pains, too.
And, as you start to knock out the causes of your symptoms, you will have carpal tunnel pain relief.
Your body is one whole unit, and when any one part gets unhappy, it causes pain or symptoms somewhere else.
Typically, the muscles in the fronts of our bodies get short.
This happens due to work, habits and life.
It also happens when your back muscles become weak.
Stretching the front of your body, like a dog or cat or baby does, will help you get your muscles back to the length they used to be.
Weak back muscles also cause CTS.
Why? Because when you collapse forward--when your back cannot hold you upright--your muscles get aggravated and strained.
Unhappy muscles cause carpal tunnel pain and other symptoms.
Strengthening your back muscles will also help with muscular "balance".
When your muscles are happily balanced, your carpal tunnel symptoms will be less.
In fact, your whole body will feel better! There are lots of potential triggers for CTS.
You might have a vitamin B6 deficiency, be overweight, have diabetes, or an immune system disorder.
Or you might just have a body that needs more attention! You will have to determine what is causing your symptoms.
Sometimes you have to be your own doctor.
You must take care of the only body you will ever have in this lifetime.
Doctors haven't perfected "whole body replacements" yet.
I don't think they ever will.
In the meantime, here are some easy ways to improve your posture: * Lift the crown of your head * Lift your breastbone and * Suck your abdomen back to your spine.
Better posture helps relieve carpal tunnel symptoms and other aches and pains, too.
And, as you start to knock out the causes of your symptoms, you will have carpal tunnel pain relief.