Midlife Career Councelling
A sometimes person when they reach the age of 40 years to 45 years feels that they need a career change. That they need to change their field of work. That is the time person seeks for midlife career change and to keep the Midlife Career Options open for himself. Making a mid-life career change is a lot harder than making a career change when you are young. You've got a lot more to lose because you have already worked your way a good bit up the ladder of success at the career you are in today.
Feeling of the mid life career change is a natural feeling that occurs when a person goes through midlife transition as well. It is a natural process that happens all due to the bad life style you leave. By bad we mean to say unhealthy life style. While you work for any company. Your financial compensation is only part of the total pay package you obtain from the work you do. More important in a long-term sense is what you learn from doing the job. Your pay check represents your day-to-day profits. The skills you develop are the result of your long-term research and development project.
So, the thing that matters the most is always money, as you need to support your family. Don't let the financial risks of changing jobs cause you to stay too long at a job that no longer offers much long-term excitement or potential.
Now the other thing that you need to keep in mind is that it is not important that you do what you love. Although it is true that doing what you love gives you inner peace and there are chances of good return but you need to have a good career plan. Not just a career plan. You need a financial plan to protect you from the downside risks you take on in making such a dramatic life transition.
Also you got to stop blaming others and understand the real reason you left your job. You need to accept the reason you are feeling uneasy in your current job or want to leave it is with in you. It's not a bad boss that caused you to tire of your current career. It's not a bad corporate culture. It's not a bad economy. It's you! Midlife Career Option [http://makeayou-turn.com/]
And the last thing you need to keep in mind is to be wary of quick solutions to the problems causing your feelings of dissatisfaction. The common pattern is comprised of three steps:
# The work is new and thus presents a challenge
# The worker has learned enough to be less anxious but is still learning more
# The worker has mastered the work and becomes bored with it.
Feeling of the mid life career change is a natural feeling that occurs when a person goes through midlife transition as well. It is a natural process that happens all due to the bad life style you leave. By bad we mean to say unhealthy life style. While you work for any company. Your financial compensation is only part of the total pay package you obtain from the work you do. More important in a long-term sense is what you learn from doing the job. Your pay check represents your day-to-day profits. The skills you develop are the result of your long-term research and development project.
So, the thing that matters the most is always money, as you need to support your family. Don't let the financial risks of changing jobs cause you to stay too long at a job that no longer offers much long-term excitement or potential.
Now the other thing that you need to keep in mind is that it is not important that you do what you love. Although it is true that doing what you love gives you inner peace and there are chances of good return but you need to have a good career plan. Not just a career plan. You need a financial plan to protect you from the downside risks you take on in making such a dramatic life transition.
Also you got to stop blaming others and understand the real reason you left your job. You need to accept the reason you are feeling uneasy in your current job or want to leave it is with in you. It's not a bad boss that caused you to tire of your current career. It's not a bad corporate culture. It's not a bad economy. It's you! Midlife Career Option [http://makeayou-turn.com/]
And the last thing you need to keep in mind is to be wary of quick solutions to the problems causing your feelings of dissatisfaction. The common pattern is comprised of three steps:
# The work is new and thus presents a challenge
# The worker has learned enough to be less anxious but is still learning more
# The worker has mastered the work and becomes bored with it.