How to Make a Medieval Spear
- 1). Draw on the cardboard the spear head and a butt for the spear as well. The butt portion is merely decorative so is optional. There are templates available on the Internet, but it's not that hard to draw a spearhead freehand, and it gives you more creative latitude in your design. Be sure the width of the base of the spearhead is half the distance around the broomstick which you'll use for your spear body.
- 2). Lay the cardboard on a cutting surface, and using scissors or a hobby knife, cut out your cardboard spear head and butt for your spear, if you included one. Then, lay that on top of the cardboard and trace around it, using it as a template. Next, cut out that second spear head and butt piece.
- 3). Hold the broomstick between your knees and wrap both spear ends around the end of it. They should meet in the middle. Wrap them to the base using duct tape. Now, cut the duct tape into smaller strips. Pull the spear head together at the top and use the strips to tape the top together. Move down the sides of the spear head, using strips of duct tape to continue to tape the two pieces together.
- 4). Flip the broomstick over and do the same with the spear butt if you designed one. Add more duct tape to the entire spear head and butt, if desired, for decoration. You can duct tape the entire broom handle if you want as well for a silver spear. If you prefer a black spear, use electrical tape instead of duct tape.