Rabies Tag Number Information
- Each tag contains a unique number that identifies the animal as having been vaccinated against rabies and registers it with the county's health officer or the state veterinarian's office. Information such as the date of the injection is registered, as well as information pertaining to recommended booster shot dates.
- Each rabies tag is color-coded and shaped the same, with the colors and shapes changing from year to year on a national scale. This aids law enforcement officials or animal control officers in making an initial determination of a dog's vaccination status. All officials have to do is note the color and shape of the tag to know the year of the animal's last vaccination.
- The rabies tag number is linked to the vaccination certificate, which contains data such as the dog owner's personal contact information, including the home address and telephone number. Providing a work telephone number as well as a cell phone number in the file increases the chance that you will be notified in a timely manner should someone find your lost dog.
- The vaccinating veterinarian's name, office telephone number, address and license number is stamped on the rabies tag. Should you find a lost dog and it is wearing a rabies tag, report it by calling the telephone number on the tag. Making sure that your dog is wearing its tag increases its chances of being returned to you if it gets lost; having the veterinarian's number conveniently located on a tag hanging from your dog's collar also helps you make a quick call should your dog need emergency veterinary care.
- The rabies tag number is entered in your dog's medical file, which includes the dog's name, age, breed and sex. Notations might also include the dog's specific coloring or markings and weight.
- Information on the vaccine used is entered into the dog's medical record. The name of the vaccine as well as any other pertinent information is also entered and kept on file in the veterinarian's office.
Unique Identification Number
National Recognition
Owner Information
Veterinarian Information
Dog Identification
Vaccine Information