Rogue Cop Christopher Dorner Galvanizes Law Enforcement Community
Fugitive ex-cop-turned-killer Christopher Dorner has mesmerized the media and stunned law enforcement officials. His story, and the horrors he has committed, has exposed the absolute best and worst of the Thin Blue Line.
Last week, Dorner stunned the Los Angeles Police Department when he killed the daughter of a retired police captain and her fiancé, fired on pursuing officers and ambushed two more police officers at a stop light, killing one and critically wounding another.
Since then, what is believed to be the largest manhunt in California history has ensued, with officers from all over the southwest vowing to bring Dorner to justice. In the process, yet another officer has been killed and another wounded.
Dorner's rampage began with a manifesto vowing revenge on his former department as he outed what he believed to be allegations of racism and corruption, within the LAPD in particular and law enforcement in general.
Like an exposed nerve, the law enforcement community is reeling from both the tragedy of the killings and the allegations Dorner raises, perhaps because the issues Dorner raises are the very issues the criminal justice community has fought to remove from its somewhat tainted past.
Regardless of Dorner's motivations, there's no question his acts to date have been horrendous. More importantly, and more uplifting, is the support and camaraderie that is on display as agencies work together and officers risk their lives for one another in order to bring one rogue former police officer gone bad to justice.
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Last week, Dorner stunned the Los Angeles Police Department when he killed the daughter of a retired police captain and her fiancé, fired on pursuing officers and ambushed two more police officers at a stop light, killing one and critically wounding another.
Since then, what is believed to be the largest manhunt in California history has ensued, with officers from all over the southwest vowing to bring Dorner to justice. In the process, yet another officer has been killed and another wounded.
Dorner's rampage began with a manifesto vowing revenge on his former department as he outed what he believed to be allegations of racism and corruption, within the LAPD in particular and law enforcement in general.
Like an exposed nerve, the law enforcement community is reeling from both the tragedy of the killings and the allegations Dorner raises, perhaps because the issues Dorner raises are the very issues the criminal justice community has fought to remove from its somewhat tainted past.
Regardless of Dorner's motivations, there's no question his acts to date have been horrendous. More importantly, and more uplifting, is the support and camaraderie that is on display as agencies work together and officers risk their lives for one another in order to bring one rogue former police officer gone bad to justice.
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