Signs of ADHD - What Parents Need to Look Out For
ADHD symptoms can begin very early on in a child's life although these signs and symptoms may not persist into childhood and may not actually be diagnosed as ADHD.
However first signs of ADHD are manifested very early on when some babies never get into a schedule for sleeping and eating causing parents many a sleepless night.
Some babies sleep often and for very short periods - even as little as a few hours.
As toddlers, if they are always on the go and never sit quietly and play with their toys in the playpen, then these could be other signs of ADHD and possible hyperactivity.
As regards toys and anything containing lead, parents need to make sure that there is no risk of lead poisoning and that does not just come from imported toys but also from old houses with lead pipes, old jewellery, lead ammunition, fishing sinkers and curtain weights.
Research has definitely linked lead exposure to hyperactivity, behavioural problems and inattention in children.
The toddler who is everywhere so that you cannot take your eyes off them an instant is wearing on your patience and increases your stress as no place seems off limits for him.
You are constantly worried about what he is getting up to.
When the child starts school, it is only then that certain signs of ADHD are noted by the teacher and she is usually the first one to suggest having your child tested for ADHD.
She may mention things like inattention, lack of control in that s/he cannot sit still like the other kids.
Disruptive behaviour is upsetting the class atmosphere and in addition there are social skills problems.
He does not get on with the other kids and has problems in making friends.
Once ADHD is diagnosed, there will be pressure on you from the school psychologist or teacher to put him on medication.
This is where parents have to consider carefully what to do.
ADHD psychostimulant drugs while they are effective in controlling some of the ADHD symptoms bring a whole lot of other baggage with them such as possible addiction and drug abuse later on in life.
One only has to read the Syracuse University newsletter for students where it warns students of the grave risks in selling their old Ritalin and Adderall drugs ! These drugs are popular as they help students study but if they are caught selling them or in possession of them without a prescription, then they risk a lengthy prison sentence.
Many children do not outgrow ADHD and many will still manifest signs of ADHD right into adulthood and still have to take these psychostimulants.
Some students find that they cause mood swings and anxiety - truly a case of the cure being worse than the disease.
You do not want to take these risks of putting them on medication for the rest of their adult life.
There are natural ADHD remedies which can just as effectively relieve the ADHD symptoms and your child will be much happier and safer.
Click on the link below for how to order this treatment.
This could be the easiest thing you have to do to help your ADHD child.
However first signs of ADHD are manifested very early on when some babies never get into a schedule for sleeping and eating causing parents many a sleepless night.
Some babies sleep often and for very short periods - even as little as a few hours.
As toddlers, if they are always on the go and never sit quietly and play with their toys in the playpen, then these could be other signs of ADHD and possible hyperactivity.
As regards toys and anything containing lead, parents need to make sure that there is no risk of lead poisoning and that does not just come from imported toys but also from old houses with lead pipes, old jewellery, lead ammunition, fishing sinkers and curtain weights.
Research has definitely linked lead exposure to hyperactivity, behavioural problems and inattention in children.
The toddler who is everywhere so that you cannot take your eyes off them an instant is wearing on your patience and increases your stress as no place seems off limits for him.
You are constantly worried about what he is getting up to.
When the child starts school, it is only then that certain signs of ADHD are noted by the teacher and she is usually the first one to suggest having your child tested for ADHD.
She may mention things like inattention, lack of control in that s/he cannot sit still like the other kids.
Disruptive behaviour is upsetting the class atmosphere and in addition there are social skills problems.
He does not get on with the other kids and has problems in making friends.
Once ADHD is diagnosed, there will be pressure on you from the school psychologist or teacher to put him on medication.
This is where parents have to consider carefully what to do.
ADHD psychostimulant drugs while they are effective in controlling some of the ADHD symptoms bring a whole lot of other baggage with them such as possible addiction and drug abuse later on in life.
One only has to read the Syracuse University newsletter for students where it warns students of the grave risks in selling their old Ritalin and Adderall drugs ! These drugs are popular as they help students study but if they are caught selling them or in possession of them without a prescription, then they risk a lengthy prison sentence.
Many children do not outgrow ADHD and many will still manifest signs of ADHD right into adulthood and still have to take these psychostimulants.
Some students find that they cause mood swings and anxiety - truly a case of the cure being worse than the disease.
You do not want to take these risks of putting them on medication for the rest of their adult life.
There are natural ADHD remedies which can just as effectively relieve the ADHD symptoms and your child will be much happier and safer.
Click on the link below for how to order this treatment.
This could be the easiest thing you have to do to help your ADHD child.