Xmas Store Window Display Ideas
- Dress mannequins in attire similar to that of the three wise men celebrating the birth of baby Jesus. Set the background with hay, large stuffed farm animals and a manger. Integrate your company's product into the nativity scene by placing the wise men in trendy winter sweaters within clothing retail store displays, or include a crib mobile and bedding in the manger if your store sells infant care items. Placing one or two non-traditional items in a nativity scene is sure to catch the eye of pedestrians.
Use caution with religious displays, as not all customers celebrate Christmas. Some people celebrate Hanukkah, Kwanzaa or the Chinese New Year and may be offended or turned off to the store because of a religious display. - Center your display on the cold winter season with snow-inspired decor. In areas of the country that do not get snow, a winter seasonal display can be particularly attractive to customers. Create an igloo from cell phone boxes in a communications retailer and adorn it with enlarged penguins. In a furniture store window, spray temporary faux snow over a dining room set decorated with an oversized Christmas centerpiece that can be easily removed and does not damage the merchandise.
- Children can have a great influence over parents, so create an interesting store window display that attracts children into the store. Set up an oversized train display with other toy products such as stuffed animals, board games and action figures riding in each locomotive car. Stage a gingerbread house in a large window, attach large plastic candy pieces to the house structure and arrange gingerbread men around the house. Arrange the gingerbread men so they look like they're wearing, playing with or using the products sold within your store.
- An interactive Christmas display is not a traditional choice, as most displays are created to showcase products available within the store. Instead of using store space to create a place for Santa to greet the visiting children, give each child a chance to tell Santa what he would like for Christmas within the window display. Even when Santa is not interacting with children, his presence in the window will invite families into the store. Give each child a store sales flier along with a Christmas treat such as a candy cane, activity book or a plastic Christmas necklace from Santa Claus.
Religious Displays
Winter Display
Children's Display
Spirit of Christmas Display