How to Capture a Handwritten Signature
- 1). Sign your name on a sheet of blank, white paper. A pen with black ink is ideal. Be sure your signature appears as you would like it to appear in your email.
- 2). Scan the signature onto your computer with a scanner and save the image. You may also use a digital camera to take a picture of your signature and then download it onto your computer.
- 3). Open your scanned or uploaded image in photo-editing software. Crop your image to the proper size and save the file.
- 4). Open Microsoft Outlook and create a new message. On the "Message" tab, in the "Include" group, click "Signature," then "Signatures" then click "New."
- 5). Type a name for your signature, then click "OK."
- 6). Click "Insert Picture." Browse for your scanned image of your handwritten signature, then click "Insert."
- 7). Send a test email to yourself to be certain that your handwritten signature was properly inserted.