The Best Way to Clean a Plexiglas Deck Roof
- No matter which cleaning method you choose, dusting is a crucial first step. It is important to remove any dry, settled dust or grime from Plexiglas before washing it; dusting dirty Plexiglas with a dry cloth can cause scratching. Instead, blow any dust off of the surfaces of the Plexiglas roof using an electric blower on a low speed, making sure to get into the corners of the roof. If you don't have a blower, damp dust the Plexiglas roof by dipping a soft, clean cloth in a solution of 2 cups warm water and 1 tsp. mild dish soap. Wring out the cloth and gently run it along the surfaces of the roof without pressing hard.
- The Plexiglas company states that it is safe and effective to use a pressure washer on Plexiglas. This method takes less time than hand washing. Set a pressure washer to between 725 and 1,450 psi, using the higher setting only for very dirty roofs. Fill the pressure washer with water; if the washer has a heater, adjust the temperature to 122 and 176 degrees Fahrenheit. Otherwise, fill with water within this temperature range. Add a moderate foaming cleaning solution to the washer and adjust the dosing unit to distribute a 1 to 3 percent concentration. Make sure to spray all surfaces thoroughly with the pressure washer until dirt has been removed. Drain any unused solution from the pressure washer and replace with clean water. Rinse the Plexiglas roof completely and wipe it gently with a clean dry cloth.
- If you don't have a pressure washer, don't fret. Hand cleaning of Plexiglas, while it might take longer, can be just as effective. To clean a Plexiglas roof by hand, spray the roof with a hose until all surfaces are wet. Fill a large spray bottle with warm water and add mild dish soap until the water is sudsy. Spray the solution onto all surfaces thoroughly and rub the Plexiglas with your hand or very gently with a soft, clean cloth to remove any caked-on dirt. Replace the cloth with a clean one when it becomes dirty to avoid scratching the surface. Rinse the solution off with a hose on a low setting until all soap is gone. Blot the entire surface of the Plexiglas roof with a clean cloth until it is dry.
- Many precautions must be taken when cleaning a Plexiglas deck roof. Plexiglas easily scratches and certain cleaners will ruin Plexiglas. Avoid wiping dirty Plexiglas with a dry cloth; it can cause scratching and make Plexiglas magnetically attract dust. Do not clean Plexiglas with window cleaners, dishwashing soaps with moisturizers such as aloe or lanolin, alcohol or other solvents. Never use steel wool, other harsh scrubbing sponges or even paper towels as all of these can cause scratching.
Using a Pressure Washer
Hand Cleaning
What to Avoid